Chapter 10: "...Principle office, immediately"

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After the incident, the group walked up to the rooftop. The LOV were confused where they were going until they saw the amazing view from the roof. "This is where we usually sit," Jiro said. "This place is cool," Toga said. "Sure is," Midoryia said. "Can we eat now!" Bakugo yelled. "Yes kacchan, we can eat now," Midoryia said as he sat down.

Everyone began eating their lunch, and having side conversations. As they continued to talk, the three new students started to get used to them, and joined in the conversations. "That's how we all came up with the squad names," Jiro said. "Having squad names based on who everyone revolves around is a weird way to come up with them, but interesting," Shigaraki said. "Yeah, me and Kaccahn had no clue about this until later on," Midoryia said. "They should have called it the How did you guys come up with dekusquad?" Toga asked. "It's my hero name and Uraraka called me 'Deku' before the squads had even formed, and our hero names," Midoryia replied. "Doesn't Deku mean worthless or useless?" Dabi asked. "Yeah, but it has a better meaning now," Midoryia said. "What was the original meaning?" Dabi asked. "It was an insult from bullying, but it stuck to me at this point," Midoryia replied. "Hmm," Shigaraki said. "Well, how was your first time having our school's lunch?" Todoroki asked. "It's good! Definitely better than what we had at jail," Toga replied. "I bet," Jiro said. "You guys don't seem like how you guys usually are. What's up with that?" Bakugo asked.

Everyone went quiet after the question Bakugo asked. It is a question for them to answer, but it wasn't a good time to ask. Jiro looked at Bakugo and threw one of her grapes at Bakugo's face. Bakugo looked at Jiro and glared at her, and Shigaraki spoke. "The way we act around you guys before doesn't have anything to do with how we act now. Everyone has a mask and they have the choice to take it off or keep it on. We only have ours on when we are fighting, not when we are resting. We are currently resting and probably will forever, so if it doesn't fit to your liking, then deal with it. Or just leave us alone." Everyone went quiet once again as the air in the atmosphere started to thicken up. "Eh, um, what Bakugo was trying to say is; you guys don't talk like y'all did before," Jiro said. "I guess you can say we feel comfortable around you guys. Not to the point we fully trust you, but enough to talk without being 'villainous'," Toga said. "Hmm," Todoroki said.

As they continued to talk, the bell rang. Everyone grabbed their trash, threw it away, and headed to their classes. By the time school was over, they all decided to hang out later on. As they are walking through the hallways, all they get are stares and whispers from everyone. Some are giggling, some are talking, some walk away, and some are staring. Everyone understands why they are staring, and it is making Toga, Shigaraki, and Dabi feel bad. "You guys don't need to walk with us. Nezu gave us a tour of the place," Shigaraki said. "We're good walking with y'all. Since we are going to the same place, we mine as well travel together," Midoryia said. "I get that y'all are heroes in training, but if you guys don't want to walk with us, you don't have to," Dabi said. "And I am going to say it again. We're good. They can stare and gossip all they want. It doesn't bother us, so we will keep walking with you," Midoryia said. "Are you s-" "Quit asking and be happy we are walking with y'all!"Bakugo yelled, interrupting Toga. "O-" "Midoryia Izuku and Bakugo Katsuki, please come to the principal office, immediately." Everyone in the hallway looked at Midoriya and Bakugo after the announcement went off. "What does the rat want?" Bakugo mumbled. "I don't know, but we will meet you guys later," Midoryia replied. They all said their goodbyes and Midoryia and Bakugo walked to the office.

After walking, Midoryia and Bakugo have finally arrived at the principal's office. They both walked into the room to see All Might, Nezu, and Aizawa sitting down around the table. "Ah, Midoryia and Bakugo! Come sit in an empty seat please." Midoryia and Bakugo walked and sat at an open seat on opposite sides of each other. "Do you guys want anything? Water? Tea?" Nezu asked. "I'm okay, thanks for asking," Midoryia replied. "No," Bakugo replied. "Okay, now...It's time to talk about what has been happening for the past two weeks. I have been hearing rumors about your class having disagreements with one another. It even resulted in one of your fellow students/friends in the Recovery Girl's office. First, I want to know what the argument was about," Nezu said. "I wasn't there when it happened. I was with All Might in one of the training rooms," Midoryia replied. "I can confirm that," All Might said. "Bakugo, where were you?" Nezu asked. "I was in my room when it happened," Bakuo replied. "Since you were there, what was it about?" Nezu asked. "I wasn't there for the whole thing. I was there only for the last few seconds of it. But, I did find out that whatever those extras were talking about didn't want me and the nerd to know about it," Bakugo replied. "How much did you hear?" Nezu asked. "Enough to know pink cheeks was trying to get the rest of the class to confront me and tell them about Deku's past with quirkless people," Bakugo replied. "Why would they want to do that?" Nezu asked. "They always wanted to help each other as much as they could. With neither of us not talking, it's just becoming an issue for no reason," Midoryia replied. "Hmm, with you not telling them and remaining a mystery to them tells me it is a personal matter," Nezu said and received a nod from both Bakugo and Midoryia. "Okay, we will go back on that topic another time. I want to know what happened during the phone incident. I was told by Uraraka, Eraserhead, and All Might about the situation. All Might and Eraserheads are the only ones that match, but Uraraka's doesn't," Nezu said. "I was told by Mr. Aizawa-sensei heard Uraraka's side of the story, and he asked for mines. What did she say?" Midoryia asked. "She said you attacked her because she asked to see your phone. Which is true, but it wasn't the full story. Which is why I wanted to know yours," Aizawa replied. "Past that, you know you are not allowed to use your quirk in school unless you are training," Nezu said. "Well I told her three times no, but she continued to try to get my phone. The first time I told her. The second time I warned her by saying 'no' with no filter, and the third time I did it. Tsu even knew I was going to do it because she was telling Uraraka to leave me alone as she saw I was getting upset. Because she didn't listen to me and Tsu, she ended up in Recovery Girl's office for the second time in the matter of two weeks," Mdoryia said. "Still, it isn't allowed," Nezu said. "Yeah yeah, we get it already. We aren't allowed to use our quirks in school unless we are training. It has been said to him three times now, we get the point. Can we move on?" Bakugo said.

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