Chapter 11: I know She Did It!

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It is the next day, and it is the weekend. Since it is the weekend, everyone is hanging out with their friends. Midoriya's new friend group are hanging out at one of their secret spots, the Bakusquad are playing video games in the living room, and Dekusquad are in Lida's room because Uraraka's room is still under construction. Everyone is enjoying their time with each other except Uraraka.

Uraraka has been eyeing Midoryia and the others. "He looks so happy and seems more free around them...why can't that be us?" Even though Uraraka is with Tsu and Lida, she still thought Midoryia, Todoroki, and Jiro were not with them. "Uraraka, are you alright?" Lida asked. "Yeah, I'm fine," Uraraka replied. "You don't seem fine. *Kero*," Tsu said. "...It's just that...Deku has been away from us for a long time, he never speaks to us, and he seems so happy without us," Uraraka said. "He doesn't talk to you?" Lida asked. "He talks to you?" Uraraka asked. "Yeah," Lida replied. "Same here," Tsu said. "Urgh! So I'm the only one who is being ghosted?! Why me?! What have I done for him to do that?!" Uraraka yelled. "Well, it's probably becau-" "He's probably just being dramatic," Lida said; interrupting Tsu. "Yeah, but it is so annoying," Uraraka said.

Tsu was shocked at how Uraraka and Lida was bad mouthing Midoryia. They were always kind and no matter what, they would always be nice. Even to Bakugo for goodness sake. "I don't know guys. I mean, Midoryia has a good reason to act like he did," Tsu said. Uraraka and Lida looked at Tsu with a confused look. "How?" Uraraka yelled. "You pretty much forced yourself onto him and went against his wishes," Tsu replied. "That still doesn't justify what Midoryia did to Uraraka," Lida said. "Neither is trying to take someone's phone after they told you 'no' millions of times," Tsu said. "So you think that too, huh? You think I am being mean!" Uraraka asked. "That's not what I'm trying to say," Tsu replied. "But it sound like it!" Lida said. "Look, if you think what we are doing is wrong, you can leave and hang out with the outcasts!" Uraraka said.

Tsu looked at Uraraka; shocked. Hearing the word outcast only reminds her what happened in the cafeteria with Monoma. Calling Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo, Jiiro, Shigaraki, Toga, and Dabi outcasts. Just because they exclude themselves from the class. Not because the class kept them out of their plans, but because they are done with this drama going around. Mina and Uraraka hate each other, Midoryia, Jiro, and Todoroki left the group, and the whole class are moving away from them. All Tsu wants to know is, why are they doing this? And how can so much happen all because of one subject. She looked at Uraraka and could tell she was getting annoyed, but Lida looked different. He looks...confused and sad. "Why does he look sad?" Tsu thought. Tsu's thoughts were interrupted when Uraraka got her attention. "So you're staying?" "....Yeah," Tsu replied as she looked at Lida and noticed his face went back netural. "That was weird."

Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero are hanging out in the living room; playing super smash bros. Kirshima and Sero are playing against each other while Mina and Kaminari are sitting on the couch watching. "Get your butt over here!" Sero yelled. "Don't get cocky! We both on our last one!" Kirishima yelled. "I'm not being cocky! I'm just not scared!" Sero yelled. "Alright! Get over here!" Kirishima yelled. As Kaminari and Mina were watching, he felt a lot of movement next to him. He looked right to see Mina constantly looking at her phone and back at the TV. Kaminari noticed her behavior and asked her if she was okay. "Not really... It's just...what happened in the cafeteria was uncalled for," Mina replied. "Yeah," Kaminari said. "I mean, outcast? Really? Who even came up with such a thing?" Mina asked. Hearing the conversation that was happening behind Kirishima and Sero, they stopped the game and looked behind them. "I mean they do isolate themselves from us, so it's only natural for them to be called outcasts," Sero replied. "But why Monoma? Yeah, he can be a pain in the butt, but when he insults people he only looks at their status. He never really was interested in drama like that. Yet alone say anything about it," Mina said. "True, but we don't know what is up his sleeve. No one does," Kaminari replied. "Yeah, he is literally a party box with a mysterious thing in it. He always tries to bring us down and make us look bad. That's his main objective from the start because he didn't get into our class," Sero said. "Yeah," Kirishima said.

Sero, Kaminari, and Kirishima all made a good point. Monoma has always made them look bad in front of the whole school. All because he didn't get into their class, but it wasn't clicking in Mina's mind. "No...No, something must have happened for him to do it, and I'm going to get to the bottom of it," Mina said as she got up from the couch and walked through the hallway. "Where is she going?" Kirishima asked. "It's not where she is going. It's who!" Kaminari replied as he got up from the couch and ran after Mina. Kirishima and Sero got up, and followed behind.

Uraraka and Lida were talking to each other while Tsu was on her phone when they heard someone banging on her door. Uraraka was startled by the sound and looked over at Lida. He nodded and walked to the door to see an angry Mina on the other side. "You know Mina, it isn't n-" Lida was interrupted when Mina pushed him aside and charged at Uraraka. "You insect! Why did you get Monoma to say that to them!" Mina said as she grabbed Uraraka's hair and pulled her off the bed. "OW! LET GO OF ME!" "NOT UNTIL YOU ANSWER MY QUESTION!" Mina yelled.

Mina continues to pull Uraraka's hair. Lida is trying to help Uraraka, but is helped back by Sero. Tsu used her tongue to pull Mina off of Uraraka, but she wasn't budging. Kaminari and Kirishima ran over to the girls and pulled them away from each other. Kirishima is holding on to Mina on one side of the room while Kaminari is holding Uraraka on the other. "LET ME GO, KIRISHIMA!" Mina yelled. "Not until you calm down!" Kirishima yelled as he was struggling to hold Mina in place. "LET ME GO YOU STUPID PICKACHU!" Uraraka yelled. "Same thing applies to you!" Kamianri yelled.

As each person was being held and loud commotion arised, Midoryia and his crew came into the room and used black whip on everyone. "SHUT UP!" Everyone stopped yelling and moving. They all looked over to see Midoryia using his quirk on everyone while the others were standing in the hallway; watching. "EVERYONE IN THE HALLWAY, GO BACK TO YOUR ROOMS! KACCHAN'S FRIENDS, GET OUT AND GO INTO THE LIVING ROOM! EVERYONE ELSE, STAY IN HERE! NOW!" Midoriya yelled. They all could tell Midoriya was getting upset and looked overwhelmed with what was going on. And they have no time to ask any questions. Everyone did what Midoryia instructed them to do after he released them. The ones in the hallway went to their room, Bakusquad went to the living room, and the others stayed in the room. Once Lida was released, he ran to Uraraka while Tsu was standing next to them. "What happened for them to get all routed up?" Jiro asked. "It was probably them," Todoroki replied. "I didn't know these kinds of things happen in UA," Dabi replied. "This is a highschool, not an organization," Jiro said. "Welcome to UA where there is drama and pro heroes in training," Bakugo said sarcastically. "Well, I'll go ask the bakusquad what happened and get their side of the story," Jiro said as she started to walk off. "I'm coming as well," Bakugo said as he followed Jiro with his hands in his pocket. "Me too," Toga said as she walked with Bakugo.

Midoryia is standing by the door while Todoroki, Shigaraki, and Dabi are standing behind him. Todoroki walked next to Midoryia as they both watched Uraraka crying while Lida was hugging her and Tsu rubbing her back. "What should we do?" Todoroki asked. Midoryia didn't reply and continued to stare at the scene. "They took it too far," Midoryia said. "Really 'cause I think they deserved it," Shigaraki said. "Last time I checked, you guys only arrived yesterday. You guys have been hanging around us the whole time, and none of us told you guys anything about what is going on. So shut it," Midoryia said. Shigaraki usually says something back when someone tries to silence him, but what Midoryia said was true. This is a serious situation and he should have said anything in the first place. "Do you want us to go?" Dabi asked. "...You guys stay here and help Uraraka," Midoryia said. "What are you going to do?" Dabi asked. "I'm going to have a talk with the others," Midoryia said as he turned around and walked to the living room. 

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