Chapter 6 - Those Who Can't Fly

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I'm very sorry for the sudden hiatus, but I had a period in my life where I just didn't have the energy to do anything. But what I really wanted to do was to write something, anything, so that you wouldn't think I had abandoned the story. I'll try to post more often but I can't really promise anything. Thank you for your kind words and comments and I invite you to read.


I always hear those voices.

"I can tell that you've never been true to me...I can smell that you're acting so fearfully..."

It's almost like my inner self...

"I can hear what you're hoping I want to hear..."

This person...trusts no one.

"I can feel the alarm bells are ringing in me."

They are afraid of what's before them. The truth...

"I can touch but I know you don't feel a thing..."

But there seems to be...another one.

"I can pray but I know you commit a sin...I can sense now it's all become clear to see. You're no good, and you mean no good treacherously."

The one...accuses the other...for being a demon. And that being feared at. I hope it's not...a destiny. Because I feel...fear.

"You're a devil!" Men.

"Go away! Agh!" Women.

"You're scary!" Children.

"A demon! Run away!" People.

"I see..." I can only smile. "So you fear me. I am the truth, I am the one people fear the most." I can only hold my head and laugh...they're pathetic.

"AGH!" They are running again. Is it fear now? Or hatred...

"Get away!" They threw rocks, bullets, sticks and spit. Everything for me to get away even for an inch. I did. They didn't stop.

"It must be because of this." I touched my horns. They bend at the ends and I truly look like a devil...well, I am the devil. I even have of those wings...was shot through. I have a hole in it. My left wing. What a coincidence...I can't even run away from here. "Maybe if I didn't have those...they would have accepted me."

"You don't need their acceptance!" The voice exclaimed.

"They will still hate you." The other said.

"You're ridiculous." I murmured and sat on the ground of my selfmade home. The tree house. I have lived there since the time I have been able to walk. I don't know how I appeared here or if there was anyone, a father, a mother, with me. I don't know. I don't want to know. It's useless. If they saw that I am truly a demon they would have run away.

"I can hope, it's the only thing I can..." I laid down on my wheat bed. I looked at the sky through my window. The voices disappear when I do that...don't know why. I like to count stars, everyday I find new ones, those I haven't discovered yet.

"I hope..." My eyes could only shine in their light. It's the only thing that reminds me of the freedom of flying and leaving places. I wish...I could do that.

"Hm?" Luffy woke up, rubbing his eyes. He had a weird dream.

"Luffy!" Marco walked through the doors to the room and Luffy brightened up. The man came closer and the little angel could embrace him. "Haha! Good morning!"

"Maco!" Luffy laughed.

"Let's get you ready, we are near the winter island!" Marco said and put Luffy down. The child was jumping in excitement. Izou entered the room and handed them the clothes he made especially for the little child. Marco changed Luffy and the angel looked like a ball, it was funny so he chuckled and Luffy huffed.

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