Chapter 1 - Do Angels Exist?

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Hi, welcome, this is my new book and I'm looking forward to keeping working on it, but unfortunately I have an awful lot of school at the moment so don't expect quick chapters like with the previous one. 

I've been thinking about writing another fanfic for a long time, you've all been asking me to finish "Keep The Promise" but I don't know if I'll be able to. Now I've got the inspiration for this book, so I'm not going to finish that one, I'm sorry but it's what I've decided. Thank you for your understanding and I hope you enjoy this book.


Storm. That was the first memory of the little angel. He was reaching out to his grandfather.

"Luffy!" Garp exclaimed, fighting against someone. Luffy was being dragged by an arm to some other boat. Some other hands grabbed his head and turned it to the other side, while the other man placed some cold metal on his hands and legs.

Luffy whimpered in fear as he tried to move around. The men were still holding him and hurting him. Then they placed some kind of rope on his little wings, that were only reaching to the half of his back, tying them together. Luffy winced, feeling pain everywhere.

He cried again, his mouth being covered by the one holding his head. After the other finished placing the shackles, he let go of Luffy's limbs and Luffy was being dragged to some closed place. It was so dark and loud. The child didn't know what to do, after some walking against his will, they untied his wings and threw him inside some kind of cage.

Closing it from the other side, Luffy blinked, his vision blurry. His eyes widened, and he went to the bars and grabbed them, crying. He tried to say some words, but only whimpers and hiccups came out. The men looked at him with blank eyes, and they went out, closing the doors to the room behind them. The last source of light disappearing with them, as well as hope from Luffy's eyes.

How long was it? How long was he locked on the ship? He opened his eyes as the light from the doors lit his face. He saw someone with a bubble on their head and two guards in suits behind them. Luffy was confused, but the bubble came closer, taking a look at Luffy.

"Hm." He caressed his chin. "An angel, huh? I'll take him." The bubble pointed at Luffy and the child flinched. The two men came from behind the bubble man and opened the cage. Then they grabbed Luffy's hands and dragged him from the room. Luffy screamed as he tried to make them let go of his arms, but they only squeezed the little's limbs more, grumbling something under their nose.

His eyes filled with tears again, and his eye's lost their colour. The same gold eyes turned into black...dark holes. He was walking to some other ship, his shackles pulling after him. They were too heavy, so he was dragging his feet across the wooden deck. He watched as some other people around tsk'ed at his face or when he went to the other ship's deck they crossed their arms saying in their minds: don't come here again ever.

Luffy's eyes trembled as well as his lip. He was, again, put in a cage, but this time he was not resisting. He went inside and placed his knees near his chest, hugging himself. After the people went out, he cried into his arms.

Someone help him...he begged. What did he do wrong? Was he bad? Was he a bad kid? Grandpa always told him...that bad people get their punishment. Was he bad? Maybe it's because of his wings...but...people in the village, they once visited, told him they look pretty.

"Come." The bubble waved his hand to Luffy that was standing with metal shackles on his limbs. His eyes were shadowed and he was looking down. Luffy lifted his head up and slowly made his way towards the man. The latter only groaned in annoyance. He grabbed Luffy's one wing and lifted him up. Luffy only wincing in pain. "Why are you walking so slowly?! Hah?!" The man exclaimed to him. All the people in white dresses, that Luffy thought were the same as he, flinched.

"I'm sowrry." Luffy murmured. The tears, not daring to come out. He knew...if he cries, he is dead. The man threw him on the ground and told some men to take Luffy out of here. Luffy breathed heavily as he held his hand, which was slightly broken from the last beating he got for crying. How long was he here again? Maybe a year...he doesn't remember. After getting back to the dark room, he called his, and being kicked to the cage, he placed his hand on the ground, lifting his body up.

"Ugh..." He groaned as he stumbled to his corner where he had his blanket. People wouldn't call it a blanket, because it was an old table cloth he took from the trash. But was his, only. He nuzzled into it as he curled up in a ball. Tears finally started to stream down his eyes. He hiccuped and trembled while lying on the ground. But...

"Celestial Dragons?!" Some pirates exclaimed on a ship that looked like a whale.

"Yes." A certain blond-haired answered.

"What are we supposed to do, Pops?" They turned to the large man.

"Marco." Pops answered and the blonde nodded. "Go and take a look at the situation. Report me back via the den den mushi." The man with the white moustache said.

"Of course, yoi!" Marco changed to his bluebird form and flew from the deck into the sky. The night was yet to start. But the sky was only getting darker with all these clouds. It didn't look good.

"Hm?" Luffy opened his eyes, smelling something weird. He sat up. His eyes then widened, and he saw something red and orange coming from under the doors. He grabbed the bars. He clenched on it.

"AUGH!" He heard screams. He flinched. The doors flung open, and the smoke came inside, wind from explosions blowing his hair off his face. He held his arms in front of his face to block it. After that, he looked at the doors again and saw some corpses of the guards. He stumbled back to the wall.

"Ah...?" He trembled, he didn't know what to do. Another explosion made the fire spread. He was locked in the cage, it was too heavy to lift it, not getting a chance to run away. His eyes filled with tears. "Grampa..." He closed them and then...

Explosion. The ship sinks. The room is shattered. The blast made a hole in the room's floor. Luffy tried to back from it, but he was just beside the wall. He was not able to get away. The holes in the floor opened his view to the waters below. He never learned to swim. And...he was closed in this cage.

Some fire got into the room by the walls. He tried to get to the other side of the cage, but then another wall was lit on fire, and he was trapped between them. He snapped back and forth when the fire was closing in on him. Luffy looked down to the water. He got one chance to escape.

But...before he could do something to move the cage with him...the fire caught one of his wings, his left wing. He screamed in pain as the fire burned his limb and he fell on the ground. The wooden floor, cracking under his weight and the fire, finally snapped, and he fell into the water, extinguishing the fire that burnt half of his wing.

The cage flew up, making him able to escape, but his arms and legs were shackled. He moved, not knowing how to swim but the air he had in his lungs was not enough and he was under the pressure of the water letting the air go, reaching with his one hand, dragging the other, to the surface that was filled with planks and broken parts of the ship. The hand slowly fell back to the water, but then...he felt something warm taking him out of the water.

"A child?" Someone asked. He placed Luffy in his arms. He looked at his back and his eyes widened. Luffy opened his eyes to the half and looked at the blurry picture of the man. "Oi!" The person had blonde hair, it looked like a pineapple, funny...also he had blue fire around him. Luffy wondered. How was it possible to live in fire? He smiled and closed his eyes, the person shouting to him to stay awake, but he didn't want to...he wanted to sleep and close his eyes.


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