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There are many different types of silence. Most silences can feel tense or awkward, as if something needs to be said to fill the gap, yet nothing is. Some silences are filled with peace and leave those in a feeling of contentment. Unfortunately, the silence that lingered between the group was one filled with contemplative fear.

"We have to do something," Luke said, finally breaking the tension in the room. "This is the best idea we've had in a long time..."

"It's risky," Brendon argued. "And we don't have enough people."

"So, we just need to recruit people," Calum answered. "There are a lot of pissed off people in the world that want to get back at Depp and Nick."

"Yes, but we barely even made it out alive last time, and we had a pretty sizable group; and how are we supposed to know who we can trust?" Taylor argued.

"We have a group of people put there who are still loyal to the cause. They're out there gathering information against Depp. We can just call them back," Dylan insisted.

"Those people are on the run for a reason," Grant said softly. "If they come back, if Depp finds out, he'll kill them."

"So we find a safe place for them to stay," Thomas muttered. He sat beside Caitlyn at the kitchen table as the rest of the group was gathered around in various positions. "We need to find a new meeting place anyway. It won't be long before Nick and Depp find this place... I'm surprised they haven't already. There's an old warehouse that Dylan and I found years ago when we were searching for the original hideout. I'm sure it's still there."

"So, say we get them here, hide them away from Depp... then what?" Urie asked. Caitlyn held her head in her hands. Their arguing was making her head pound. Ever since they arrived home several hours ago, the group had been arguing about their next step. Thomas had proposed Caitlyn's idea of finding a way to leak Depp's secrets through his own paper.

"Then we keep rallying others until we have enough to make a real stand against Depp."

"But how are we going to do that-"

"Enough!" Caitlyn snapped suddenly. Everyone stopped and turned to look at the younger girl. "You've been going in circles for hours! I'm sick of it! Do something, don't do something, what does it matter? You've all been doing the same shit for years and nothing's worked for you! Do you really think you're going to find a magical solution to take them down?"

"Caity, hey. Calm down," Dylan said, stepping forward and putting his hand on her shoulder. She pulled away suddenly and looked at him.

"Don't! I'm so sick of this group talking in circles, keeping me out of the loop..." she stood up from her seat and stumbled suddenly. Thomas hopped up and caught her.

"Are you alright?"

"Don't touch me!" She shouted.

"Caitlyn, calm down," Grant said, stepping toward her.

"Why don't you all just leave me alone?!"

"Caitlyn," Grant said in a stern tone. "Stop, and look down at your arm..." Caitlyn stopped and looked down, freezing at the sight of crimson veins bursting through her arm.

"What the fuck? What did you do to me? What is that?!" She shouted.

"I need you to calm down and take in a deep breath. Nick and Depp must have drugged you... it's call Thymós, we need to flush it out of your system-"

"Get away from me!" She shouted as he put his hand out to her.

"Shit, we're not taking any risks this time," Brendon said in a soft voice. "We need to keep her under control until we get it out of her system. Calum, Luke-"

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