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Voices echoed off of the cement walls as hushed whispers dissipated into silence. Caitlyn sat in her lonely bed, attempting to focus on anything other than the dull pain in her abdomen. She looked over toward the door suddenly, sighing softly when she saw Robbie and Ed standing guard outside. She glanced back toward her bedside table, feeling her heart ache as she stared at the diamond ring that sat beside her.

"Knock knock," Grant said, stepping into the room. Caitlyn looked over to him quickly, forcing a soft smile. "How are you feeling?" He asked, grabbing his vitals kit and beginning his hourly routine.

"About the same," she muttered, laying back as he took her blood pressure.

"Well the good news is that you're doing really well. Your blood work all looks great, no infections, no sign of anything out of the ordinary. How are you feeling now that we've stopped using morphine? Are you doing alright?" Caitlyn nodded softly in response and looked down at her stomach.

"A little sore, but nothing I can't handle." Grant smiled softly and nodded in response, beginning to write something down in his self-made chart. "When can I get out of here?" Caitlyn asked suddenly. Grant stopped and looked up at her, running a hand through his hair.

"I don't know," he said softly. "You're doing better physically, but where would you go?" Caitlyn sighed and began playing with one of her curls, looking down at her lap.

"I don't know," she said softly. "Home, maybe?" She glanced back at her ring and quickly blinked her tears away. In all honesty, her apartment no longer felt like home knowing that Nick wouldn't be there, it didn't feel very safe either; but at the same time, she couldn't help but yearn for the sense of familiarity.

"Do you really think that's a good idea?" Grant asked, sitting beside her. "Listen, we haven't been able to find Nick... he hasn't been at work since you were shot. More than likely, he still has the key to your place, and honestly, I don't think anyone in the group feels comfortable leaving you alone without some sort of guard." Caitlyn took in a deep breath and bit her lip. "We've had people staking out your apartment for a while to see if he'd go back to it, and luckily he hasn't, but would you really feel safe there?"

"So, what? Am I supposed to just stay locked up here forever? Never see the sunlight again? Never talk to my mom again? I don't want to live this way, Grant. I feel like I'm a damn prisoner... I'd rather be in danger than locked up for the rest of my life," Caitlyn snapped. Grant took in a deep breath and looked down at the ground. "I'm sorry," she muttered suddenly, putting her head in her hands. "God, I'm sorry... I know you guys have done a lot for me... I just... I feel so displaced in the world. No offense, but I don't know who I can trust anymore," she shrugged. A tear slipped down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away. "The man I loved shot me, the only friend I've managed to make tried to kill me, the brother that betrayed me is actually on my side and up is down... you tell me that our boss is a horrible murderer, and I know nothing about any of you because all your group has ever done is keep secrets from me. I just want to go home and live a normal life again..." Grant sighed and nodded in response.

"I'm sorry," he muttered. "I know how you feel... really, I do. We all do, actually. None of us started out like this, we were all ripped away from our normal lives. The sad truth is that nothing will ever be the same again... normal is dead to us, because we know too much. I don't know why Nick and Depp want you dead so badly, because honestly, there's still so much that you don't know... but the truth is, you're one of us now... I'm sorry, but you can't go back to normal, and that means, for just a little while, we need to keep you hidden away down here." Caitlyn rolled her eyes and lay back against her pillow, biting her lip as she attempted to refute the tears that threatened to fall. A soft knock sounded on the door and Dylan walked in with Thomas.

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