
"Let us go.." I said with pleading eyes.

"NO!!" He smirked and walked around the room.
"I've been searching for this HK family for the last ten years of my life, and I finally found it last year, and then I had to do a lot of planning to get you all..." He said still with his smirk and halted in one place.
"So now how can I let you go so easily." His face contorted in anger as he glared at me.

"Please.." I whispered brokenly.

"Because of your husband, I had to face so many losses and mishaps in my business. Drugs were lost, girls were missing, and he had the nerve to trespass into our place too." His voice was filled with menace. He cocked his head to a side to see Nadia, who was behind me.
"Now enough of bonding time, girl." He yelled at Nadia.

He started walking towards us. I covered Nadia behind me, shielding her. He reached us and glared at me. In a jiffy, he pulled my hair and banged my head on the hard wall as I fell on the floor, groaning in pain.

"Mom!!!" Nadia yelled.

I glanced at her with my vivid vision. She was pulled by her hair by Ron Gusevi. I closed my eyes and again opened it to clear my vision.

He was trying to pull her away, I crawled towards him and caught his leg to stop him. But he kicked me hard on my stomach, and, again, a sharp excruciating pain snapped in my body as I cried out loud. I coughed out blood as the kick was too hard.

"Mom!!" She exclaimed and bit his hand to release herself.
"Don't hurt mom..--" she was cut off as he slapped her hard on her right cheek and again started pulling her away by her hair.

"You bitchy brat!!!" He snarled at Nadia.

I clutched my stomach and sat straight with great difficulty.
"Please don't hurt her... She's just a little girl." I whispered in agony.

He spun around to face me. Nadia was crying hard.
"Mom... just go... he'll hurt you. Mom.." she cried.

"What a love!" He clicked his tongue, glancing at both of us.

He left her hair and caught her by her forearm. He pulled a gun out of his pocket and pointed it towards me.

"No...please.. no..don't hurt mom..please.." Nadia cried, wiggling in his arms, glancing up at him with her pleading watery eyes.

"Kill me..." I exhaled and wiped my tears.  "but please let Nadia live." I looked him in the eyes with determination.

He smirked at my words and was about to open his mouth but..

Suddenly, one of the doors out of four opened, and Harold entered in. My eyes widened, seeing Harold. His hair was messed up, and his shirt was covered with blood stains. He was totally disheveled. He glanced at me with widened eyes, and his eyes slowly traveled from me to Nadia, who was held captive by Ron.

His jaws clenched in anger as he took a step towards Ron, but Ron immediately pointed the gun towards Nadia's forehead, and Harold halted in his tracks.

"No cunning games with me." He quirked his brows.
"I killed your father, don't forget that.." he said in a cheeky tone.
"Be a good man and kneel beside your wife. Just do as I say." He jerked his chin towards me.

Harold's shoulder slouched in defeat as he kneeled down beside me.
"You've already hurt her too much.. now, if you do anything to her, I'll kill you." Harold gritted with a wavering voice.

"As I said, be a good man, Mr Harold Kingston. Don't make me do things that I don't want to do." He clicked his tongue again.
"Let's have a normal talk." He smirked.

I glanced at Harold with the corner of my eyes. His whole posture was trembling in fury and fear. But we were helpless because our daughter was with him.

"I really hate to ruin this picture-perfect family. So here's a deal." He narrowed his eyes at Harold.

"What is it?" Harold asked.

"You have a pretty daughter, I'm thinking of selling her. I'll get a fine price. Don't you think." He slowly slid the barrel across her chin as she sniffled.

I clenched my eyes shut in annoyance at his words.
"What is the deal??" I yelled and glared at him.

"Patience, Mrs Kingston!" He glared at me before glancing back at Harold.
"I heard you have a hundred and twenty girls in your committee. Just hand them over to me, and I'll let your daughter free. You have kidnapped eighty girls from my domain, and as compensation, give those girls to me." Harold's posture stiffened as he was hesitant to give a reply.

My jaw hung low as my eyes widened in disbelief.
"What are you pondering about. Just give him those freaking girls. Why are you even thinking. Is Nadia not important to you." I whispered to him, but he had a void face.

"He'll give you all the girls, just give our Nadia back to us." I stated in haste.

"I want to listen it from his mouth." Ron raised hin brows.

Harold was still in daze, I shook his thighs as he glanced at me with a numb face.
"Just agree." I whispered.

Harold glanced back at Ron and subtly nodded.

"Words!! Mr Kingston." Ron exclaimed.

"I'll give those girls to you." Harold whispered brokenly as he lowered his eyes to the floor in defeat.

"Good!" Ron smiled.
"So, here you go." He pushed Nadia towards us as I smiled happily and opened my arms to invite her for a hug.

Nadia limped towards us with tears, but a small smile crept over her lips. Harold sighed and smiled at Nadia.

Everything was happy for a moment until one of the doors opened and armed bodyguards with huge guns entered in and pointed their gun towards Ron.

Ron's eyes widened in pure rage.
"You bastard, you betrayed me...." he thrummed in rage and raised his gun up to shoot.

My eyes widened as...

Triggers were pulled...

Bullets were shot....

And bodies were laid...


The climax is ahead coming up in the next chapter.

P.s   I won't be updating on Wednesday. It was the reason for my double update.

See  y'll  in  the  next  chapter.
Until then stay tuned..

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