Chapter Fifty-Four: Missing Sub Pt2

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Santos was looking back at her commander, seeing the smile that she all too loved plastered on his as she received a thumbs up from him. 

"..The rest of us are going under, Sonny, trent, and Roach, I want the three of you to rig up something that can take out a sub, if not, then something to take out its ability to move, We will split up in groups of two, one group take the recovering of the sub and the other to search and destroy any enemy sub below." 

Sonny, Trent, and Roach were loading up the special charges that they had rigged up onto the helicopter, Sonny yelling orders for them to be careful with the box. 

"Once we find the sub, we check its integrity and try to communicate with it, we direct it back to the island and wait there till we can get an escort to come for it, everybody clear on the plans?"

Task Force 141 was boarding their chopper, me with them as I looked at the first two that took off, I looked back at my family that had come to see me off as I smiled at them and board the chopper, the hatch closing when I was seated and the helo was within the air the next second.

"Yes sir!" 

"Alright, let's set up our gear, we move out at 2100 hours." 


"Everybody up, almost near dive point" 

I said, waking up the sleeping members of the task force as I got on my radio to address the rest of the teams. 

R-"Bravo, Demon, Demon Actual, you guys up?" 

I asked over the radio and got a response a few moments later. 

R-"Roger that... Up boss" 

Their responses came. 

"Alright, near the drop point, Bravo get ready, Demon, maintain the surface search for any enemy vessel in the water."

R- "Roger that sir, Demon 1 maintaining search." 

I then looked at the task force within my helo and saw that they were all ready to go. I got off my radio and went to grab my weapon, which was an M4 carbine. 

R-"Alright teams, remember in the water our bullets won't go as far as 14 meters, so watch your distance and wait for the enemy to come closer." 

A nod and some yes came from the radio and from within my helicopter. 

"15 seconds!" 

The LoadMaster said and I hold up a thumbs up to tell him that I heard him. A few more seconds later, he held up 5 fingers and was counting them down, when he reached one, he gave the signal to jump. 

I went first, put my goggles on and my re-breather. I then jumped from the back of the chopper and was immediately met with water. A few moments later, more bodies joined me in the water. 

Looking around, I counted around 12 bodies in the water, me included and I nodded at them, I moved my hand and pointed down below us to the right. 

It was where a trail of metal parts where leading and they saw it too and followed me as we swam underwater towards the target, whether it be friendly or enemy, we are ready for anything, I think.


After the dive, we moved on in our helicopter, towards the west, It was away from the coast and might be the location of where the battle cruiser was. I hope that Sonny, Trent, and Roach's modified version of a C4 works. 

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