The spies invisible to our eyes || Hongjoong (1)

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Created: 12/11/2022

Edited: 3/25/ 2023/ 5/9/2023


Devany walked down the dark alleyway. Unafraid, she walks down this way every night. There is gang violence around this area, and most of the time, she isn't scared, but lately, she has become fearful for her life because of higher gang activity in this specific area.

She was close to her home. One more block, she could be safe from the outside world. Tonight it was quiet, too quiet. Devany suspected something wasn't right but decided to bury the feeling. She kept walking until she felt a cloth over her mouth. Trying to stay awake, Devany wished never to go out tonight. She began to lose consciousness and fall to her knees when someone shot her attacker.

She and the person fell to the ground. The cloth finally released from her mouth. She regained her vision and feeling, struggling to get up to see who killed the man. She encountered brown eyes and electric blue hair. She looked for a second before she collapsed onto the ground. The blue-haired man made his way over to her, slightly worried.

"Hey, are you okay?" The man asks worriedly. She didn't answer, a sign she was unconscious. The man picked up her keys, scanning for an address. He finally found an address nearby, figuring it was her house. He slung her over his shoulder, walking toward her apartment.

About 20 minutes later, they finally made it to her house. He unlocked the door entering the pitch-black house. He felt around for a couch as he gently placed the girl on it. He turned on one of the lights to finally see, getting a feel for his surroundings. He went over to Devany. He checked her for injuries, bruises, and blood.

The man then carried Devany upstairs to what he thought was her room. He tucked her under the blankets and went back downstairs. He spun her id around his thumb, staring at the picture and name. He smiled, saying, "Devany."

Devany woke up to see she was in a familiar scene. It was like a weird dream. Shaking the feeling, She went downstairs to cook breakfast. As she headed to her kitchen, she noticed a blue head of hair on her couch, like the one from her dream.

She was too stunned to speak or even scream. She decided to grab a pan from the kitchen in self-defense. She slowly inched toward the man, striking him on the head. The man jolted up in pain, falling to the floor.

"Who are you? How did you get into my house?" She questioned. "I'm the guy that saved you last night." He hissed. She slowly put the pan down, and her face softened. "I'm sorry for hitting you. It's not every day some random man with blue hair is just sleeping on my couch." She joked, attempting to lighten the mood.


Devany began to chuckle. "I am truly crazy. First, I'm talking to the man that broke into my house, Next, I'm letting him stay in my house, and Finally, I am letting my guard down so he can explain why I am not dead," She mumbled. He looked at her, "For the record, I didn't break in. I used your key. And you're not dead because I killed the guy that almost killed you."

Instead of digging deeper, Devany changed the subject. 

"Um...What is your name?" She demands "Hongjoong." He replied nevertheless in pain. "Nice to meet you, Hongjoong. I'm-" "Devany. I know." He cut off locating her College ID. "How did you get that?" The woman questioned. "I had to get you home somehow." He retorted.

"Well...tell me about yourself." She suggested. He just looked in confusion. "You don't remember me, diamond?" He asked. "Diamond? Who is tha- ah!" Out of know where, Hongjoong pulls Devany by the arm, with her back on his lap. He leans in to place a kiss on her lips. Stunned,  Devany does nothing for a short while before kissing back.

They were stuck in the kiss for two minutes before pulling back. Hongjoong looked at Devany and asked, "Do you remember me now, Diamond?" Still, no. I'm sorry, but you must be confusing me with someone else-" she was cut off by Hongjoong carrying her to her bedroom.

(small 15+ ahead, this is what I have come to)

Hongjoong laid Devany on her bed, the tension building as they stared each other down, the woman with fear, the man with lust. "If I can't make you remember me, I can at least give you a good time," He began to plant marks down her neck and stomach, and he looked up to see fear in her eyes. "Are you okay with this?" I am fine," reassuring him. She didn't know how she got to this point in her life. Devany only cared about how she felt at this moment, euphoric. This feeling was familiar, unfit to remember it. At this instant, moans filled the space. Hot bodies against each other. Heavy breaths and prolonged pleasure. They were entering their climax, both releasing their juices on each other. He collapsed next to her. Out of breath, Devany got up to get towels. She pulled Hongjoong into the shower.

Time skip

It was now 3:04 in the afternoon. The two lay together in bed, naked under the sheets, discussing. "So why did you come?" You questioned. "Erin is out. We need you back in the field. You're our only hope." He informed. "So you had sex with me just for a mission?" She spoke angrily. "No. That was all me. I wanted to see how you would look under me again." He joked as she slapped him with a pillow. " I'm not going back in there." She stated.

To persuade her. Hongjoong wrapped his arms around her waist before pulling her in for a passionate kiss. "Please? For me?" He begged, kissing her neck. Devany rolls her eyes. "What do I get out of this?" she stubbornly spoke. "Me..." Hongjoong mumbled. She sat up and stared at him unamused. "And money," he added. "Fine...I'm in. When do I start?" She gave up. "You start tomorrow," Hongjoong replied in a muffle.

To be continued


1025 words.

Edit June 28: Changed up a few things.

Bye ✌🏼

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