Whipped cream || Stray Kids

904 14 0

Written: Feb. 19, 2023

Edited: March 20, 2023

Edited again: May 5, 2023

"WHO ATE MY WHIPPED CREAM" Ashanti yelled.

"Uh oh." This time she's mad." Bang Chan told Felix, walking towards the living room.

"Why didn't you put your name on it?" Leeknow snarkily remarked.

"I did."

"I put [Ash's whipped cream. Do not f**king touch."

"You probably didn't put it big enough." Seungmin chimed in.

"I spray-painted the bottle in all black and wrote it in white letters. Because some people are colorblind, but that didn't work either!!" she yelled, looking at Seungmin

Ashanti wasn't just mad. She was LIVID. The boys didn't see her this angry since it was that time of the month a year ago. Felix unknowingly stole her chocolate to make brownies. The poor boy nearly got killed because of that misunderstanding. It all worked out because it was still chocolate, and it was from Felix, two of the best things.

The boys slowly backed away like a bear was near them. They knew what she could do to them. Seungmin especially knew first hand.

"Ashhh, please calm down." Hyunjin slowly spoke. "Yea, it's not like it's the end of the world," Leeknow said. The boys looked at him like he just committed murder. "What?" He questioned. Ashanti charged toward him, on the verge of killing him. Felix, Chan, and Changbin grabbed her before she could get to him. Han, Seungmin, and Hyunjin were protecting Minho while Jeongin was sitting on the couch, avoiding the situation.

"You b*tch! How would you like it if I stole your cats and put them up for adoption?"

"You would have to chance to lay a finger on them dumba**," he shot back. "B*tch, try me!"

"BOTH OF YOU STOP! ASH, I ATE YOUR WHIPPED CREAM, OKAY? I'M SORRY!" Felix yelled. Ashanti slowly turned toward Felix, eyes burning holes in his.

"You what?" She said with a low chuckle. "I ate your whipped cream. I'm sorry." He said.

"You f**king JERK!" She yelled, jumping towards Felix, nearly strangling him before getting held back by the boys, mostly Chan.

"Put me down!"

"Will you kill him? Chan questioned.

"No, I'll just give him matching black eyes," she said, attempting to get out of their grip, making Felix look even more frightened.

At this point, Ashanti was over it. She demanded to put her down and promised not to hurt Felix.

After that, Felix put her down, she ran to her room and slammed that door shut. Everyone looked at Felix like he had killed someone.

"You messed up, dude," Han said, patting Felix's cheek.

"I know," Felix sulked.

"You gotta make it right, dude."

"I knowww"

"So what are you gonna do?" Han said.

"Get her more whipped cream. With chocolate and flowers?" Felix replied

"Yes, dude. now, go"


Ashanti pov

I lay on my bed, watching the fresh prince on my phone. My door is locked because I don't want to talk to a certain someone. I sit up when I hear a knock on the door.

"What do you want, Felix?" I dragged out.

"Dang it, how'd you know it was me?" He whined.

"By now, I could tell it was you by your footsteps, but I decided not to say anything," I rolled my eyes.

"That's not creepy at all- anyway. Will you let me in?" He pleaded.


"Please?" He pleaded


"...fine, but when you open your door, I have a gift for you." He said.

I then Heard a thud and footsteps.

I slowly opened my door to see my favorite flowers, chocolate, and two cans of whipped cream with a note. It was a little sticky note saying, "I'm sorry."

I smiled at the note. Looking down the hallway, I see eight heads of hair peeking out from the doors. I put the gifts in my room before walking toward Felix's room.

Before I even got the chance to knock. Felix opened the door and pulled me in. He shut the door, pulling me into a hug and lifting me off the ground.

(My anxiety is rising while writing this, so if it sounds cliché, I'm sorry.)

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sor-." "I forgive you, sunshine," I chuckled.

He hugged me tighter. Then I heard a muffled "aww" on the other side of the door. Felix and I turned toward the door, opening it to see the idiots standing there.

"Great job. You ruined it." I retorted. The boys then started smirking at me. "What?" "I don't think you realize your position," Jisung said. I then looked at Felix, seeing his arms still around my lower back and mine around his neck. "Shut uppp. And go away," Felix and I said in unison.

We continued hugging.



"If you eat my whipped cream again, I won't hesitate to murder you."

"I'm willing to risk it if I get to die by an Angel."

"Whatever." I chuckled.

792 words.

This is not the first story I've written, but one of my favorites. So I decided my first story on Wattpad be this one enjoy.

Edit: I lied. I literally hate this story with my entire being cuz it sounds so cringe every time I reread it.

Bye ✌🏼

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