Goodbye Kinerik

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Spedori managed to make it out of the cave in one piece, narrowly avoid the rocks as they fell and managing out of the cave before its entrance was sealed up as it completely collapsed.

Spedori then looked at the cave with tears falling down from his eyes as he thought about his brother and how there was no way he could have survive the cave collapsing.

Tears then began to flow down from Spedori's eyes as began to think about how useless he was, replaying the moment when Fastilo pushed him out of the way to save his life from the massive rock that was about to crush him which led to it crushing his legs instead, crippling him and sealing his fate in the cave collapsing cave.

Spedori then began to think about what would have happened if he had just been a little bit fast and moved out of the way before Fastilo saved him, if he had just done that Fastilo's would have not been crushed by the very rock he save him from and the both of them might have made it out of the cave together.

Spedori blamed himself for being too slow and having to rely on his brother to save which lead to him being crushed by the rock instead of him.

Spedori then looked at the small red stone his brother had given to him before he left, reminding him of the final words he brother told him about how no matter what happens he would never be alone.

Upon remembering those words Spedori made a vow to himself to honor his brother's last wishes and protect the red stone with everything he had, still oblivious that the stone in his hands was just one out of six keys to the doom and destruction of all six worlds.

Spedori was no entirely sure of what to do now, he instructed by his mother to stay put with his brother in the cave until she came back with their father but now the cave was destroyed and Fastilo... Spedori couldn't even bring himself to admit painful truth of his brother demise to himself.

Spedori just stood in front the cave, seemly froze unsure of what to do until felt something, the force and power produce by something racing through the forest, moving at speeds the young Kinerik could never hope comprehend, it was the same being who's raw speed was enough to tear the forest apart and cause the cave Spedori and Fastilo hind in to collapse.

Spedori, upon sensing the power racing through the forest, knew he didn't have much time before it made its way to him, understanding that he mostly wouldn't survive level carnage and destruction it would wreak as it raced passed, decided to run as fast as his leg were able but even at his top speed he was outclassed by the horrific level of speed the being possessed as it raced passed him, moving faster than it Spedori to blink, bring behind him an overwhelming force fueled by the beings raw speed and power that pulled apart and destroyed everything around him.

The force generate by the being as it ran was enough to pull Spedori of the ground and send him flying in a cloud of dust and debris pulled out from the forest by the beings overwhelming power.

Spedori struggled to keep him in one piece as he felt the force trying to tear his body apart and to end his struggle he also had to dodge the flying debris that surround him, only barely able to dodge using his speed most of them and having suffering a few injuries from those he failed to dodge in time.

And just as it seemed like things couldn't get any worse the mysterious fast moving being seemed to have increased its speeds, as it appeared once a again seemly moments after racing passed Spedori before racing again once more, greatly increasing the force and power behind him as he ran, increasing the force dragging Spedori about and sending even more debris flying his way.

The being moved all around Kinerik at unfathomable speeds, sending Spedori flying a thick dust cloud formed by the scattered pieces debris ripped out of the Kinerik soil as the being ran.

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