Family time

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Aselero raced through Kinerik, moving as fast as his legs could carry him, not caring about the risk to his life him moving at that speed posed especially since he didn't have his limiter, he simply wanted to get to his home and his family as fast as he could, even if it meant ending his own life.

As Aselero ran he passed a few of cities, watching as he sped past, how the Light Bring ravaged and destroyed everything in their path with their World Fliers that continued to rain down massive balls of flames from their cannons up above the Kinerik skies down to the cities below.

Aselero wanted to help the people of the cities that were being destroyed by the Light Bringers after all it was his duty as a Hypirex but his desire to protect his family was greater to him than his duty because his family meant everything to him and he was ready to watch his very own world burn down to the ground if it meant he was able to keep his family safe.

So Aselero, with a hearty, raced through the cities, ignoring the cries for help from the thousands of people that had managed to survive he onslaught from the Light Bringers, solely focused on getting to his family as fast as possible.

Aselero soon reached his home, thank fully it was still intact, a little shaken up with a few cracks caused by the many explosion created as the balls of flames from World Fliers collided with the Kinerik soil below, but apart from that the house still stood firmly on its foundation.

Aselero, upon seeing his home was intact sighed out a breath of relieve before approaching the door.

He was about to open the door when all of a sudden he felt his entire body begin to ache out pain, feeling, feeling every fiber within begin tear apart from the excess power he generated while running.

His body then began to glow as the power that had built up within him tried desperately come out, freeing itself in a brilliant explosion that would certainly end his life and destroy anything that was close to him, that being his home were his family was currently in.

"No, not now, not here goddamn it" said Aselero as he summoned every ounce of strength he could muster and try to keep the power within him from leaking out, fueled by not more than the desire to protect his family.

He was so close to them and wanted above all else to protect them, there was no way in hell he was going to be the reason they die.

So, using nothing but the strength fueled by his desire to protect his family, Aselero drove the power that was trying to escape his body back in to himself.

Aselero's body then stopped glowing.

Aselero, how panting profusely out of exhaustion as it had taken everything he had to hold back his excess power, took a few steps closer to the door before collapsing on the ground.

Aselero, in the his last moments of consciousness saw, with his vision blurred saw figure upon the door and gasped upon seeing him on the floor, and even though he could not see her face, hearing her voice as she gasped his heart feel at peace, glad to hear the voice of the woman who had claimed his heart before she quickly carried him in to the house.

Aselero then slowly opened his eyes only to found himself lying on his bed in his bed room.

He then tried to get up but as he did he felt his entire body begin ache in immense pain causing him to wince a little as he tried to get up, Aselero however managed to get up and stand on his two feet even though in it hurt him immensely as he did so.

He knew what he did was risky, running that fast without a limiter and allowing his body to generate that level of power, it took everything he had to force the excess power back in to him leaving his body extremely sore and exhausted due to how far he had to push it to force all that excess back in to himself which was why his body hurt so much.

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