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The Hypirex stood before Xellorus and the lifeless corpse of the member of the Kinerik council that laid down next to his feet, unable to speak as they were all still in shock and unable to believe what their eyes had just witness.

One of their own, a Hypirex, a warrior whose worn duty was to protect Kinerik had just killed a member of the Kinerik council in cold blood, this shocked every Hypirex there to witness it but none was more shocked than Aselero who viewed Xellorus as nothing more than a spineless, rule following idiot who was too much of a coward to even breath without being ordered to do so.

"What have you done Xellorus?" asked Aselero.

Xellorus upon hearing what Aselero said just smiled before saying, "You of all people should be glad about what I did, I know we're very fond of those fools in the council".

The Hypirex, finally getting over the shock of Xellorus killing a member of the Kinerik council then surrounded him.

"Hypirex Xellorus you are charged with the murder of a member of the Kinerik Council and as such you are to be arrested and punished for you crimes" said one of the Hypirex that surrounded him.

"Crimes?" said Xellorus with a light chuckle.

"No, I've committed no crime, in fact what I just did was an act of divine justice. This fool like the other members of the Kinerik council was never meant to lead us. Don't you see, they are weaker and slower than us and as such have no right to command or rule over us, only a being with power greater than our own has the right to be our master and I serve that being " said Xellorus.

"And who is this being of greater power?" asked Aselero, curious to know what Xellorus meant by only a greater being deserved to be their master.

Xellorus upon hearing what Aselero said just smiled before saying, "The one that was there before anything was, the one who created that divine light before it was destroyed by darkness, the one true god, Ansaki Tonju, The One Who Came Before The Light".

The Hypirex, upon hearing what Xellorus said looked at Xellorus as if he was a mad man, wondering what had got over him and why he was speaking utter rubbish.

Xellorus upon seeing the looks on their faces just smiled before saying, "You don't believe me, I don't blame you, you're eyes have been blinded by the darkness of this world. It's a shame, you were truly fine men".

With those words said Xellorus raced off, moving at speeds so great that even the Hypirex found it difficult to follow his movements.

Using his incredible speed, Xellorus wasted no time to swiftly putting an end to the lives every single Hypirex that surrounded him, sparing only one, Aselero.

" killed that" said Aselero uttering out of shock and horror after having seen Xellorus slaughter every single one of his fellow Hypirex in cold blood.

"Yes I did, they were too far gone, too corrupted by the darkness to see but you on the other hand aren't like them" said Xellorus.

"What are you getting at?" asked Aselero.

Xellorus just smiled at Aselero before zooming straight to him at blinding speeds.

"You and I aren't that different you know" said Xellorus.

"Yeah, last time I check I'm not a mad man that kills his own team mates all because he believes in some bizarre imaginary god" said Aselero.

Xellorus just smiled and nodded his head upon hearing ever Aselero said, "Both of us are highly skilled warriors forced to obey the commands of those lesser than us, people who don't understand what it means to struggle and fight just to reach the top. We both earned the power we possess while all they had to do was be part of the lucky few born in to luxury and power. It's disgusting and I know you feel the same way. Don't try to deny it, I've seen it your eyes, that anger, that rage you feel every single time you're around".

Protectors of Genesis Book 1Where stories live. Discover now