Mother knows best

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Swifa watched as Aselero left, running away, moving incredible speeds with a small tear slowly making its way down from her eyes as he gradually disappeared from her range of vision.

"Mom, where did dad go" Spedori asked innocently from behind his mother, oblivious and unable to fully understand what was fully going on.

Fastilo on the other hand, being older than Spedori was able to somewhat understand what was going on, albeit, not fully but just enough to understand just how serious the situation they were in was.

"Mom" asked Fastilo as he slowly made his way to his mother and grabbing her by the shoulder.

Swifa upon feeling Fastilo's hand on her shoulder turned to her eldest son with tears still falling down from her eyes.

Fastilo then with a heavy heart and sorrowful voice asked, "What do we do none".

Swifa upon hearing what her son said looked down at her hand, seeing the small red stone placed on it by Aselero before he left and remembered what he said to her before leaving;

"You, Fastilo and Spedori are the only people in this blasted life of mine that I care about and you all are the reason I run, the fire underneath my feet pushing to move faster and faster. So please, no matter what happens to me, promise you'll protect this wonderful family we made together"

Swifa upon Aselero's words just sighed, allowing one last tear escape from her eyes before looking at both of her son and then pulling them both in to a tight hug.

Her sons were the greatest part of her life with Aselero, and even thou Aselero never really showed he loved and cared for them just as much as she did, to was why he chose to leave and face the threat of the Light Bringers all by himself, leaving his two sons in hands of Swifa, the only person he trusts to protect them and keep them safe, and that was exactly what Swifa intended to do.

Swifa then wiped away her tears and then looked to her sons with a warm smile on her face which she used to mask her fear, knowing that she had to be strong and show no signs of weakness for the seeks of her two sons.

"We are going to do the thing we Kinerikan do best, run as fast as we can" said Swifa.

"Where are we going to go?" asked Fastilo. "Somewhere safe" replied Swifa.

"And dad?" Spedori asked innocently.

Swifa upon hearing what Spedori said remained silent for a moment, unsure as to how she could tell her little boy that she wasn't sure if he would ever see his father again.

"He...he'll be come when his done dealing with the bad people causing trouble in Kinerik" said Swifa, unable to muster the courage and strength to tell her son the truth.

Spedori upon hearing what Swifa said smiled warmly at his mother with a sense of hope in him that his father would be alright, little did he know that the hope he felt was a false kind given to him by a mother who couldn't bear to tell her youngest son the truth.

Fastilo saw the smile that formed on Spedori's as well as the look of sadness and uncertainty from his mother's eyes, understanding the bitter truth and the lie she had to tell his brother about their father and the depressing fact that he may never return to them.

Swifa felt a tear trying to escape her eye as watched the smile formed from a lie she told her son she the truth was far too bitter and painful to be uttered by her mouth but still she managed to must the strength needed to force her tears back in, knowing she had to be strong for them.

"Come now, we have to go" said Swifa before they all raced off out of their home, moving at speeds the naked eyes could not perceive.

Swifa, Fastilo and Spedori, as they ran through the soil of their home world they marveled in absolute dread and horror at what had happened to their world, the beautiful bright blue sky filled with white elegant clouds were now red with massive balls of flames raining down from the sky above their heads with disappearance once elegant white clouds being replaced with black doll clouds of ash and smoke, the city that once stood on firmly on land were now reduced to ruins with pile upon piles of lifeless corpse littered about.

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