Alarming news

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At Savaritarous, a meeting was being held by the Kinerix, a group of special elite Kinerik warriors tasked with the responsibility of protecting Kinerik from every and all threats.

Aselero then racing in to the meeting, moving faster than the naked eye as he was not just a member of the Kinerix but also high ranking Kinerikan warrior know as a Hypirex, one of the highest of ranks a Kinerix warrior could have.

Hypirex were known to faster than the average Kinerix warrior, and could harness and control the massive amounts of energy they generated while they ran.

Aselero, as a Hypirex only needed to wear a small ring with a limiter crystal on it to control his speed, due to his tremendous control over his speed.

"What's so argent that you had to call me so early in the morning, I had just finished my morning run, I didn't even have a chance to have breakfast yet" said Aselero to the Kinerik council who were the leaders of the Kinerik and the ones who called for the meeting.

"Speak to the council with respect Aselero" said a Kinerix warrior who was next to Aselero.

Aselero upon hearing what the warrior said just sighed before saying, "I apologize your graces, it's just that I get a little grumpy when I skip breakfast, you understand don't you".

The warrior upon hearing what Aselero said just covered his face in shame and annoyance.

"I apologize, your graces, his one of our finest warriors but lack control of that mouth of his" said the Kinetrix warrior in an attempt to appease the council over Aselero's disrespectful behavior.

"It's quite alright Xellorus, we are quite aware of Aselero's disrespectful nature but he is also a Hypirex like you so we are willing to tolerate his minor acts of defiance if it means he puts his skills and incredible speed to go use and serves Kinerik well" said the council causing Aselero to smirk as Xellorus, his fellow Hypirex, and the Kinerix warriors warned him to speak with respect before the council.

"My lords, if I may be so bold to ask, why did you call for this meeting so urgently?" asked Xellorus, curious as to why the council had called for a meeting with them.

"We fear that Kinerik may be in danger" said the council.

"In danger by what?" as Xellorus.

"That's the worse part, we're not entirely sure" said the council."What do you mean by you're not sure?" asked Aselero.

"A few days ago our sensors picked up a few World Fliers wondering too close to Kinerik space and according to our sensors they were armored and ready for battle" said the council.

"Isn't obvious then, World Fliers are one of the many machines built by the people of Genesis, they may be coming to conquer Kinerik" said Aselero."That's what we believed as well but that was before they sent us this" said the council before bringing out who looked liked a scroll."A piece of paper" said Aselero, unimpressed.

"It's a messaging scroll, used by the people of Mystika to messages" said the council.

"But why would Gensisian use mystical means to send a message when they could easily do so with their technology" asked Xellorus, wondering why the people of Genesis would resort to magic instead of their technology to do something as simple as send a message.

"They wouldn't and the people of Mystika aren't too fond of technology as they see it as a cheap imitation of magic so I doubt they would dare to approach Kinerik on World Fliers" said Aselero.

"You're right Aselero, so the question is, if it wasn't the people of Genesis or Mystika then who they?" asked Xellorus.

"To answer that question first you must listen, the message they sent" said the council before opening the scroll and upon doing so a voice spoke out of the scroll saying:

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