Scorpius Malfoy: The story of my life

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                                                  Scorpius Malfoy: Story of My Life

Scorpius Malfoy was sure that he'd never had such a simple day turn into such an annoying day. The entire day at work had been not only boring, but irritating. And thanks to one woman, it'd gotten even worse.


Scorpius sighed as he looked over the reports on his desk. As the captain of his own team, Scorpius found himself dealing with a lot of paperwork, mainly the reports his men came to him with on the cases they covered. It was tedious, but Scorpius understood that it needed to get done. His boss expected a lot out of him lately, for reasons Scorpius couldn't understand.

"Is that really him?" he heard a voice whisper. He glanced discreetly to his left, and saw the owner of the voice.

A new kid, Brian Crooker, was talking with Harold Mauch, who'd been in the department for a few years now. The kid was looking at Scorpius with wide eyes, while Mauch was leaning casually against his own desk.

"Yeah. That's Captain Malfoy. You wanna be part of the tough and important jobs, then it's his team you wanna be a part of," Mauch said seriously.

The kid didn't look convinced. "But . . . but he's a Malfoy," he mumbled.

Scorpius tried to not let the quill in his hand snap.

"Yeah, and he's also Potter's son-in-law, and practically the second in command," Mauch retorted. "I wouldn't cross him."

"I didn't plan on it! He's terrifying!" Crooker whispered.

"Trust me, kid, his wife's more terrifying than him," Mauch joked.

Now Scorpius chuckled as he looked back to the papers on his desk. Mauch had been around long enough to probably witness Lily coming down the office to chew Scorpius out. It wasn't exactly a rare occurrence.


Scorpius looked up in surprise at the sound of that voice. And he almost grimaced when he saw the voice's owner hurrying toward him.

"Hello, Mother," he mumbled, already a bit tired. And she hadn't even spoken yet.

Astoria stood in front of his desk, as elegant as ever, no matter her age. She was as vibrant as a teenager sometimes, and Scorpius swore she got more energy the older she got. "Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, why haven't you, Lily, and the kids been over the manor lately?"

Scorpius sighed as he began stacking the reports neatly. "Because Lily and I have both been busy. And the boys are grown adults. They have their own lives, and if they want to visit, they can do so on their own time, of their own will." Mitchell and Draco were both now out of Hogwarts, Mitchell for a few years now, and Draco had just graduated a few months ago. Actually, Mitchell spent a lot of time with his grandfather, as he was planning to take over the Malfoy business affairs once Draco decided to sit back and retire.

"And Cissy?" Astoria demanded as she sat in the chair across from Scorpius.

"She spends a lot of time with her friends, Mother. Plus, she's been picking up shifts at Freddy's shop lately, so she's also working," Scorpius explained as he finally settled in his chair and looked straight at his mother, no paperwork to distract him.

Astoria huffed. "Do you know how sad it is when you know hardly anything about your own son's work? The questions I get from friends, all asking how you and the kids are, and I can hardly answer them, all because my own son doesn't visit me!"

Scorpius rolled his eyes and rubbed his temple. Of course his mother would make an embarrassing scene. "Mum, really, I've been busy. I kind of am now, so could we do this later?"

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