Marsha and Alec: Passing up chances

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Marsha: Fourth Year, Alec: Sixth Year

Marsha Pritchard sat in the Hogwarts library with her boyfriend of over a year now, John Warrington. While she was trying to finish a ridiculous essay for Herbology, he was doing a bit of extra studying for his upcoming O.W.L. exams.

Out of boredom, and for distraction from a difficult essay, Marsha kept glancing at her boyfriend. Boyfriend. She liked the word. And she really liked John. He was a really great guy, and had really grown from when they were all just kids. He was strong, thanks to always having Quidditch practice, and he was surprisingly bright. He was dashing, and not to mention charming.

And most of all, she liked being someone's girlfriend, and not just the tag along friend. Knowing that someone really cared for you, thought you were pretty, and had a deep interest in you . . . it was a nice change from what she'd been used to. Although she'd honestly admit that she felt much more like a little girl now that her sister was no longer at Hogwarts too. She'd always felt like she was compared when Lola was around.

She felt someone tap her on the forehead, making Marsha blink as she came away from her thoughts. John was smirking at her, a quill in his hand. "You still there?" he mumbled so that Madam Pince wouldn't hear.

Marsha gave a sheepish smile. "Yeah. Sorry."

"How's the essay going?" John asked as he closed his book, just to open a different one.

Marsha sighed heavily. "It's so stupid. I'm never going to use this in life!"

John chuckled. "Do you need help?"

Marsha nodded. "Please?"

John sighed himself. "I'll tell you what. You finish the essay, and then I'll look over it, and fix anything that's wrong. Ok?"

Marsha nodded in agreement. "Ok, fine."

"Hello, John, Marsha!" a quiet voice said.

Marsha glared angrily as her brother Robbie took a seat at their table. "What are you doing here?" she hissed.

Robbie raised a brow, trying to look innocent. "Well I needed a place to study, and saw that there was an empty seat here. Do you mind?"

Before Marsha could argue, John spoke. "No, feel free."

Marsha kept glaring as both boys started to study again. She hated Robbie sometimes. Although he'd never physically done anything to John, he'd been irritating since she'd started dating. He took any chance to butt in and make sure they weren't alone, and she knew he'd stalked them on a couple of their dates, because he always showed up the same places they went. Marsha was really starting to think that he needed a love life of his own, and to stay out of hers!

"Oh, before I forget, Marsha," Robbie spoke suddenly, "Alec and Riley were heading down to the lake, and they were hoping you'd join them if you had time."

Marsha tapped her fingers on her knee. While she really didn't want to leave Robbie alone with John, she also didn't want to stay under Robbie's watchful eyes. Not to mention she really wanted to avoid having to do this essay.

Marsha looked at John. "Do you mind?" she asked, finally making up her mind.

John shrugged. "No, it's fine. Just make sure you do that essay eventually," he teased, his eyes never leaving his book.

Marsha rolled her eyes as she gathered her things, and put them all into her bag. "I will, I will," she assured with a sigh. "See you later." And making sure that Robbie saw it, she kissed John on the cheek before getting up and leaving the library.

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