Jonathan Pritchard: Life as a Squib

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Ages: Jonathan - 16

It was a mixture of the sunlight and his alarm clock that woke Jonathan, Johnny, Pritchard up. He blinked slowly as he turned his back to the window. Who had opened the curtains, he wondered to himself? But he reached over to shut off the beeping of his alarm, and kicked the blankets off of his body. It was nicely warm in his and Robbie's room this morning. He sat up and stretched, scratched the back of his neck, and then pushed his blonde hair away from his brow. It was starting to get long again. Maybe Lola or Ginger would cut it a little for him.

"Hurry up, Marsha!"

Johnny sighed as he got off his bed. "It's only seven o'clock, and they're already screaming," he mumbled. He stepped out into the hall just in time to see Lola kick the bathroom door.

"You are only thirteen! What could you possibly be doing in there?" Lola yelled.

"None of you business!" Marsha called back.

"Ladies, ladies," Johnny sighed. "Must we fight so early in the morning?"

Lola scowled. "She's been in there for twenty minutes, and other people kind of need to shower!" she screamed at the door.

"I'm almost done!" Marsha yelled back.

Johnny leaned against the wall. "Well, when she finishes, mind if I grab my toothbrush and things before you jump in?" he requested.

Lola nodded as she crossed her arms and began to tap her foot. "Yeah, whatever."

A moment later, the door opened, and a refreshed-looking Marsha stepped into the hall. "I don't know why you're so impatient. If Jace was willing to put up with talking to Marty, then I'm sure he's willing to put up with you looking like you do now," she mocked.

Lola glared at her younger sister. "Just for that, I'm telling Marty about your little crush on Alec."

A small fear reached Marsha's eyes, and a blush came on her cheeks. "You wouldn't!"

"You wanna bet?" Lola countered.

Johnny quickly slipped into the bathroom as the girls fought. He grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste, and then his comb. Then he quickly slipped back into the hall, and away from the fight that was still happening. He instead made his way to his parents' bedroom door, and gave a small knock.

The door opened, and Patrick stood there, and quickly waved him inside. "Get in before the girls notice!" he hissed.

Johnny followed his instructions, and as Patrick quickly closed and locked the door, he made his way into their parents' bathroom. The twins were already in there, brushing their hair or teeth. This was the boys' secret way to get ready in the morning. While the girls fought for the kids' bathroom, they snuck into the parents' bathroom.

"Morning, boys," Johnny greeted.

"Morning, John," Richard said as he brushed through his hair. "Girls arguing?"

"Of course," Johnny replied as he went to the sink and began the routine of brushing his teeth.

"Girls are crazy," Patrick mumbled as he came back in and began to rinse his mouth.

"Where's Robbie?" Johnny asked.

Brady spit his toothpaste into the sink. "He went out for a run like an hour ago. That guy's crazy too."

"What's his deal with being so athletic?" Patrick mumbled in question.

"Well he needs to bulk up and impress Lily," Richard laughed.

"Stop teasing him," Johnny said around his toothbrush.

"We wouldn't if it wasn't so obvious," Brady replied as he and Richard headed for the door. "Hey, Rich, wanna make a bet on if the girls are done fighting yet?" Their voices faded as they left to the hall.

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