Bradiegh Pritchard: The Selfish Half

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Year: Brady - Sixth Year

Bradiegh, Brady, Pritchard sat at a library table in boredom. But he wasn't alone, at least not at the table. Alana Vicks was sitting with him, but she was studying the book in front of her faithfully. But in his opinion, Brady found no point in studying Herbology. It wasn't like he'd ever pass it on his own. He only took it because of the girls that were in the class. Richie was the one that helped him pass it for the last six years. They had their own ways of cheating. It was how he himself got Richie through Transfiguration.

Brady picked up a stray quill, and tried to make it balance on the end tip. But just as he seemed to get it, a hand slammed down on it. He turned in surprise to see Alana glaring at him. "Brady," she scolded, "we came here to study."

Brady raised a brow. "Correction, baby doll, you came to study. I came to snog you in the library."

Alana rolled her eyes as she shook her head. "Well it's not happening. Besides, you should study for Herbology, you're not great at it."

Brady rolled his eyes as he began to gather his things, leaving the quill on the table. "Ok, fine. Then I'm leaving. I'll see you around, Vicks," he said with a sigh.

Alana looked at him in shock. "What?"

Brady shrugged as he shouldered his bag. "We're obviously not going to do what I came for, so I'm leaving. See you around."

But Alana grabbed his arm, persistent. "What are you going to do?"

He shrugged again. "I dunno. Find Richie, go for a walk, maybe even flirt with a couple fifth year girls. I have yet to decide." He gently pulled his arm from her grasp. "Later, Vicks." And before she could grab him, or say anything else, he walked away, and then out of the library. He sighed as he began to stroll along the halls. He was still bored. That had wasted a good portion of his Sunday. One of the few days he didn't have Quidditch practice.

Just as he was wondering what to do, a girl caught his eyes. She was standing among a few other girls, ones that he knew and had even kissed a few times. She had dark hair that fell to her shoulders in waves, and pretty brown eyes. Following the casual dress code rules for weekends, she wore black tights under a slightly short black skirt. And she had an open red jacket over what seemed to be either a black tanktop or a black shirt.

With his normal smile, Brady made his way over to the girls. The other two girls were fifth years, which meant this girl probably was too. Fifth years were always the easiest to flirt with. They fawned over him much more than girls his age or older did. And Brady hated having to work for a girl's attention.

"Hello, ladies," he greeted with a bright smile. "How are we today?"

Although he couldn't remember the name of one of two girls, he was terrible with names and better with faces, they obviously remembered him. They began to smile, giggle, and twirl a bit of hair around their fingers. But he did recognize the blonde one.

"Hey, Brady," Maddy Couldon greeted sweetly.

"Bored?" the brunette guessed.

Brady smirked in a true Slytherin way. "Well not anymore. Three pretty and smart girls around me, how could I be bored?" he complimented. Then he looked at the one girl he didn't know. "So, who's your friend?"

Maddy spoke. "This is my cousin, Joyce. Joyce, this is Brady."

Brady held out his hand. "It's a pleasure, Joyce."

The girl simple raised a brow as she took his hand. "I prefer Joy."

Brady smiled as he brought the back of her hand to his lips. "Joy," he said before planting a small kiss on her hand. But before he could speak again, she snatched it away. "So, I've never seen you before?"

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