Draco Malfoy: Repeat in family history

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                                                                   Year: Draco - Sixth Year

Draco "Drake" Lucius Malfoy II waited patiently outside of the library. It was nothing new, as it was almost time for dinner. Draco was not just patient, but usually one happy with his routine. And before dinner, he was always outside the library, waiting for his best friend.

"Hey, Drake!" a soft, but chipper voice, spoke from behind him. Draco turned away from the tapestry he'd been looking at to see Dani Scamander coming out of the library. Draco had become best friends with Dani the moment they met after being sorted into Hufflepuff together. He hadn't met her before, as for some reason her father, Lysander Scamander, didn't come around the family too much, unlike his brother who had married Draco's own mother's cousin. And it was due to their close friendship, and the constant suggestion from friends, that had led them to begin dating in their fifth year. They had just pasted their one year anniversary just a month ago.

Draco smiled at her, and held out his hand, which she took immediately. "Hey, Dani. Ready for dinner?"

Dani smiled as she pulled him along. "Please, I'm starving!"

Draco simply chuckled. He thought Dani was a very pretty girl. She was a bit taller than most girls, almost reaching his own tall height. Her hair was a golden blonde color, and her eyes were a silvery blue. But it wasn't looks that he cared about. She was fun, and compassionate, and very understanding. Plus, she was another person that enjoyed having a routine.

The two of them talked about simple things as they made their way to the Great Hall. But instead of sitting at the Hufflepuff table, the two headed over to the Gryffindor table to sit with Draco's sister, Cissy, as they did every other day of the week. Draco appreciated his relationship with his younger sister. While he cared for her and her safety, he was not the over protective brother that Mitchell was. The two of them were much more honest with each other, and open.

He caught sight of his sister sitting near the middle of the table, fixing her bangs as she looked in a small mirror that was floating in front of her. Draco rolled his eyes. That was typical of his sister. "Ciss, is there ever a day you aren't looking in a mirror?" Draco mocked as he sat across from her.

"I find it hard to look away from a pretty face," Cissy quipped quickly, not even looking away from the mirror as she fixed her bangs, which were a very Gryffindor red color, contrasting with her thick honey blond hair. But after a moment, she glanced past the mirror to look at her brother and give him a smile. "It's about time you two got here."

"Sorry, I took a little longer than usual," Dani apologized as she began to load her plate with food.

Cissy just plucked the mirror out of the air, and shoved it into her bag. "It's not a big deal, actually." Then she looked at Draco again. "So I got a letter from Mitch today."

Draco raised a brow as he began to eat. "What did he want?"

"Nothing, just asking how I've been. The usual checking in on me, making sure I'm ok," Cissy said with a roll of her eyes. "The same thing he's been doing for about three years now."

"He just worries about you," Dani said mildly.

"He's just being Mitch," Draco said with a smirk. "One day you should just tell him about all about a boy."

Cissy grinned. "I was thinking of telling him I thought I was pregnant," she joked.

Draco laughed. "Well don't give our brother a heart attack, dear sister."

"That's what sisters are for," Cissy retorted.

"You are just like, Mum," Draco replied.

Draco found himself walking with his sister after dinner. She had claimed she needed to pick up something from her room before going to JB, and then insisted he come with her. Draco didn't read anything into it. Cissy had a habit of dragging him along on walks around the castle, so this wasn't new to him.

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