Arnav slowly registered her words and a smile broke in his lips. She is just scared of all this. He pulled her in his arms who inturn clutched his collar as if her life depends on it.

Arnav - You are a Baby yourself Jaan....

Kushi buried her face in his chest.

Arnav - Shhh...... Shhh..... Don't cry.

He pulled her out and cupped her cheeks - Kushi.... Our Baby will feel bad if you cry.

And that stopped her cry at an instant. She looked at him with tear filled eyes.

Arnav - Now Baby can only feel Mumma as he is in his Mumma's little tummy. If you keep crying won't our Baby feel bad. First thing you need to know is..... If you want Baby to be happy, then you should be happy. If you want Baby to be healthy, then you should be healthy and eat healthy.....

That made her pout - But I don't know anything Arnav ji.....

Arnav kissed her forehead tenderly - We will learn Kushi. My Kushi will be the best mother anyone can get and you will see that.

Kushi hugged him more - I want our Baby to be safe, nothing more......

Arnav - Our Baby will be safe within you. Tell me one thing..... You are happy with this pregnancy news right ?

Kushi - I can't explain what Iam feeling now Arnav ji. It's as if I got a wings that could make me fly high. But I am scared, what if me doing something harms our Baby.

Arnav - It won't.... My Kushi will never do anything that would harm our Baby. She will take care of our Baby like no mother does.

Kushi - Sach mein ?

Arnav - Really Kushi..... You will be the best mother. For now forget all this tension and stay happy. We have got the most beautiful news today. And I think my Kushi should be very happy today.

Kushi - Iam Happy Arnav ji....

Arnav - But all I see is your worried face.

Kushi nodded her head - We are all alone Arnav ji. There is no one to guide me through this. Now it's ok. But once the baby born, who will say things to me in taking care of him/her. And without knowledge how will I nourish our Baby ?

Arnav fell into thoughts. What kushi is saying is right. Taking care of a Baby needs help. Kushi will need somebody to guide her.

Arnav - I will ask kaka (Maid) to arrange someone to take care of you. You just rest Kushi.

Kushi nodded her head wiping her tear strains. She was about to lay back on the bed when Arnav stopped her.

Arnav - Kushi, you need to have dinner.

Kushi - Iam not Hungry.

Arnav - But our Baby is.....

Kushi smiled and stood up. He was about to move when she held his hands and hugged him tight burying her face in his chest making him smile.

Kushi - Did I spoil your mood ?

Arnav kissed her head - No....

Kushi - I know....

Arnav - Yeah.... Now you have became a mother and you know everything. Fine ?

Kushi rolled her eyes blushing - Arnav ji...

Arnav chuckled.

Kushi - See, we will be having a small Baby in our home. A small bundle of our joy whose laugh will fulfill this home and our life.

Arnav - I feel like I have got a new meaning of my life. And Thankyou for giving me this happiness my dear wife.

Kushi - Pleasure is all mine my dear Husband.

Arnav chuckled and took her to Dining. After finishing with Dinner and making her lye on the bed, Arnav went down to see the elder maid of their house wrapping the work.

Arnav - Kaka.....

Kaka - Yes Bitwa.... Do you need anything?

Arnav - Haan woh.... Actually Kushi is pregnant.

Kaka smiled - congratulations Bitwa. Let Durga maa shower her blessings on you.

Arnav - Thanks Kaka. I need a help.

Kaka - Tell me Bitwa.

Arnav - You know that we don't have any body. And Kushi is nervous for the Baby. Can you find someone who can help us in her pregnancy ?

Kaka - Don't worry Bitwa. I will call my wife from village. She will take care of Bitiya.

Arnav smiled - Thanks Kaka.

Kaka - God Bless you both. You go amd sleep. I will ask my wife to come tomorrow itself.

Arnav went to his room satisfied. He is feeling more responsible now. And he will do all his responsibilities. After all they have stepped into a picture perfect family now.

Jaan-E-Mann. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant