Wait For It

Depuis le début

Never did she think her lies would go for enough to make someone try to kill another. It never went on this long, she would have been found out at least a month prior to then. Lila just leaves them to be alone until they transfer and the sheep deal with the fallouts on their own.

The next hour was a blur. An ambulance was called, sirens were everywhere, and everyone was having an abundance of emotions that Hawkmoth nearly passed out from the large wave of negativity. 

The Dupain-Cheng parents were hit the hardest. One of the customers pointed out that their daughter was having a predicament across the street and they all had to watch as she was hit and thrown into another vehicle. 

Marinette was taken to the hospital, her parents and friends attending with. The heroine was drifting in and out of consciousness, and the doctors weren't sure if she was going to make it. The impact broke her ribs, and it lead to a punctured lung and internal bleeding. They all feared the worst, and were willing to spend how much time she had left around the people that loved her. She doesn't need to be left alone after what happened.

Lila came to visit her in the hospital, face with real tears and apologizing for everything she did to her. Marinette forgave her, and spent the rest of her time with her before she fell asleep.

Ok, this was going to have two endings, and I'll let you guys have both instead of only having one.

Ending 1: Marinette Dies

Word spread the next morning that the bluenette died in her sleep. Lila felt extremely guilty because she caused it, and was the last person she saw before she died. Lila confessed everything to her mother, and she was grounded for life, but her mom was willing to help her move on slowly. She was put into therapy to help her with her lying problem and the trauma, and dedicated herself to be a better person in Marinette's honor. She admired the girl for not backing down against her, and was going to prove to her that she was truly sorry.

Alya was sued for murder, as the driver had a dash cam that showed everything that happened. She was charged in the first degree (that's the one when it's planned right?), and was sued even worse when Lila's lies came to light and that she lied about Marinette. The Césaires were going into debt and were struggling with their jobs because of all the hate directed towards Alya. She got the worst of the backlash out of the class.

Lila's therapist discovered that Lila lied for attention because she had a lack of it from her constantly working mother, and the media turned it from the blame on Lila to the blame and her mother for child neglect. 

Adrien was taken out of public school because his father believed it was the reason why his son didn't do anything. He was also taken into therapy and was it was revealed that he didn't do anything because it was how he was taught to handle situations with the media with his modeling job. Since he never experienced real interactions with other people his age, he treated it the same. Gabriel was investigated and arrested for child neglect, and both him and Natalie were under arrest for terrorism after their identities were exposed. Adrien was taken in by his cousin Felix, but Felix gave him the cold shoulder for what he did to Marinette. Adrien understood completely. He didn't realize lies could hurt until it was too late, and now he would never get the chance to apologize.

Damocles and Bustier were fired for the toxic ways they handled the bullying problems, and were found out to be accepting bribes. Everyone else in the class was shunned by the school.

The MPS created an Anti-Bullying fundraiser in their late-friend's honor to help prevent other kids from having the same fate. It had many donors from celebrities all around the world, including Jagged Stone, Clara Nightingale, Prince Ali, and more. Marinette's memory was kept alive, and it also taught them a valuable lesson on how much you can truly trust someone.

Ending 2: Marinette Lives

Marinette woke up a few hours later with Luka holding her hand. Compared to her cold hands he was hot. She squeezed his hand a little, which startled him awake. They talked for a little while before a nurse came in to check on her.

A few hours later, people were allowed to see Marinette in small groups. The classmates who weren't involved and people outside her class all came and brought get well soon presents, from cards to stuffed animals. Marinette felt happy that at least some people actually cared about her outside her class of sheep.

Lila visited everyday, slowly proving her worth to the group. With their help, they got her to tell her mom everything. She was understandably mad, but was glad her daughter realized the error in her ways. She was left the option to put her daughter in therapy to help her stop lying or pinpoint the exact reason why she did it in the first place. It was discovered to be a lack of attention, and Ms. Rossi promised that she would be there more for her daughter.

Once Marinette was discharged, they let her stay in Chloe's hotel so she wouldn't have to deal with the stairs in her house. They started working on lawsuits against Alya, and fines for Lila. They were still thinking on Adrien, his side was understandable but unacceptable.

They set up a court case, Marinette clearly winning. Alya didn't see that she was in the wrong, she was too deep in Lila's lies. Marinette gave her statement and the truck driver handed in his recording from his dash cam and it was played in court.

The case took an interesting turn when Lila's lies were brought up by Alya. They were quickly shut down, and provided all the evidence Alya lacked that Lila was lying. 

The reporter felt like she was smacked in the face as she realized her life was over. She lost everything, her boyfriend, her blog, her family's trust, credibility, and now was being knee deep in lawsuits.

Marinette recovered, and was living her life to the fullest. And everyone else who brought her down, you can guess what happened to them.

Life doesn't discriminate 

Between the sinners and the saints

It takes and it takes and it takes

And we keep living anyway

We rise(we fall)

And we fall (we break)

And we make our mistakes 

And if there's a reason I'm still alive

When so many have died

Then I'm willin to 

Wait for it

-Wait For It, Hamilton

I love that musical

1744 words

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