Full-Time Pro Hero x UA Teacher

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This is a Kiribaku fanfic, I'm surprised I haven't done one of these yet. Katsuki is 1-A's teacher and Eijiro is the #4 pro hero, Katsuki is #2, right behind Izuku. Katsuki is an omega Corsac Fox and Eijiro is an alpha lion.

                                                                    Katsuki Pov

"I'll come pick Emari and Katsuo around 4-5 P.M." I say to the daycare lady, "Alright" She says, and I leave. Working as a teacher in UA is very stressful, especially whn you teach first years. It takes my class forever to quiet down, but after they do I can finally teach. Today was a training day, so the kids were excited. "Alright, I'm going to split you into 4 teams of 5" I say and the kids groan, "Suck it up, and get into your teams" I say. The students are doing very well with their quirks, some of them still need some more training, but other wise they're doing fantastic. I watch them practice with their quirks when I get a call, "Hello?" I answer, "Sorry to bother you Mrs. Kirishima, but Emari has developed her quirk," The lady says, "Really? What about Katsuo?" I ask, "Not yet, but hopefully very soon" The lady says, "Well, if anything changes let me know" I say, "Will do" The lady says as I hang up. I look over at my students and notice three of them standing in near a student on the ground, so I run over, "What happened?" I ask, "We don't know sensei" Itchiya says, "Give him space, and continue to practice. I'll have Shinsou come watch you guys until I get back" I say as I grab the kid, who is actually my oldest, and go inside. Shinsou agreed to watch my students while I was with Kitachi. "Mom? What happened?" I hear him say as he wakes up, "You passed out, what have I told you about over using your quirk?" I say, "Sorry, how are Ari and Kat?" He asks, "Good, I was informed that your sister got her quirk today" I say, "That's cool" He adds, "Stay in here until you're released by Trisha ok? And if I find out you left without being released you're grounded, you hear?" I say, "Yes, mama..." Kitachi says, "Good, now I'll see you later ok?" I say as I ruffle his hair, "Bye..." He says in return.

I leave UA and go pick up Emari and Katsuo, as I pull into the lot I can see Emari happily jumping. I walk in and is greeted by a hug, "Well, someone's excited?" I say laughing, "She's really excited to show you her new quirk" The lady says. We leave for home, making Emari whine, she's not very patient when it comes to waiting, like me. We get home and she decides to show me, "Look mama!" As she says that she makes a small spark, "Wow, amazing sweetie! Let's show daddy when he gets home ok?" I say bring the kids inside, "Ok!" She says running to her room. Katsuo comes up to me, "Mama, why don't I have my quirk yet..?" He asks, "You'll get it soon Katsuo...Some people are late bloomers, so you might get it when you're six" I say hoping it would make Katsuo feel better, and it seemed to work, "Ok mama" He says heading to his room. I than hear the front door open and see Kitachi, "Didn't expect you to come visit?" I say, "Well, I just decided to come home for a while, because stying at UA is a little stressful" He says, "Imagine how I felt, I mean I did visit my parents, but it wasn't that often" I say as the door opens and I hear keys, "I'm home" I hear Eijiro yell. There are than running feet coming from down the hall, "Daddy!!" Emari says running over to Eijiro, "Hello Ari" He says picking her up, "Guess what!" She says, "What?" Eijiro says curiously, "I got my quirk!!" She says as she jumps down and sparks come from her hands, "Wow!" Eijiro says. Katsuo hasn't come out of his room so me and Eijiro decided to go and check on him, we entered his room to see him crying, "Katsuo, what's the matter?" I say as me and Eijiro go over to him, "Why don't I have my quirk yet? It's not fair that Mari gets hers first...!" He says clinging to me, "Katsuo, sweetie...." I say hoping words would form, but nothing did.

Katsuo has been asleep for a few hours, but seemed to be crying again. Me and Eijiro entered his room, "Katsuo?" I say, "Mama, look!!" He says as he forms rocks from his skin, "See, we told you buddy" Eijiro says, "But you have to go to bed" I say and he crawls back into be and falls asleep. I find out weeks later that I'm pregnant again, before I tell the kids, I should tell Eijiro first. I decide to find him while he's working, because that's totally safe. "Eh? Kat, what are you doing out here?" Eijiro says coming over to me, he was talking with Izuku and Shoto, who are married and took Todoroki as their last name. "I need to tell you something" I say, "What?" He says, "I'm pregnant again" I say, and I get hugged, "Ok! You're squishing me.." I say as he puts me down, "Sorry Kat" He says, "It's ok, now I have to tell our kids...." I say. I told the kids and they were happy, my students also found out and won't stop asking me questions, but that's alright.

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