Head of a Rock Band x A Flourist

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This is a Gene x Zenix omegaverse, I haven't really seen this ship done so I decided to do it. Gene is an alpha demon and Zenix is an omega demon, idk why they're just demons.

                                                              Zenix pov

Today is just a normal day at the shop, we have old customers and new ones! Although half of the customers seem to only buy one flower, not a boquet, which is weird. "Zenix!" I hear a familiar voice yell as I look up "Baby! Love of my life!" Gene says as he runs over to me "I didn't expect to see you here, what's up?" I ask "Can't I come see my beautiful omega?" He says as I walk from behind the counter "You can, but you usually don't" I say as I see someone walk in "How may I help you ma'am?" I say "Do you by any chance have some napkins or something?" She says "Oh, yes just a moment!" I say as I run behind the counter and grab some napkins and hand them to the lady "Here you are, you don't need to pay me" I say as she nods and leaves. "Now, what tf do you want?" I ask "Why do you assume I want something?" He says as he stares at me "Well because whenever you visit me, you always want soemthing" I say as I raise my eyebrow. Before Gene could say anything I heard someone yell "Child!" outside of the store, me and Gene both ran out to see what was happening, after we walked outside a child runs into me crying, I pick them up "Hey, whats wrong?" I say to the child "M-Mama?" The child says "Hey Gene, can you help me?" I say as Gene walks over to me "Sure, what is it?" He says "Help me find this childs parents" I say as we start walking. After walking for awhile I see someone looking around frantically "Hey!" I yell getting their attention, as they walk closer I see who it is "Zane?!" I say "Zenix?! Gene?!" He says as he looks at the child in my arms "Alex?" He says as the child looks at him "Mama!" He says as he grabs onto Zane "Thank you so much for finding him, he ran off when I put him down for a second" He says "Oh, that wasn't a problem, he just ran into me and I picked him up" I say as I see Travis walking over to us. "Oh, thank god" Travis says "He kinda just walked up to me, so" I say "Well you are an omega, so your calming phoromones probably calmed him down" Zane says "Oh, good point" I say "Oh, I have a request" Gene says "What may that be?" Travis says "I have a concert in 6 days, and I wanted to know if you guys would like backstage passes, since I have 4?" He says "I'm down" Travis says "Sure, I don't see why not" Zane says "I guess" I say as I roll my eyes. Later that evening as I got home I noticed that Gene's shoes were here, but he was no where to be found. "Gene? You home?" I yell to see if I get a response, but it was silent "Hmm, weird" I think to myself as I head to our bedroom, where I find Gene asleep "Oh, he's asleep... He looks really pretty" I think to myself as I hear a small groan from Gene. He sat up and as he looked at me he smirked "Look at my beautiful omega, and my beautiful little devil" He says as he walks over to me "You're lucky I agreed to have a kid with you..." I say as I put my shirt on "Oh c'mon don't be like that!" He says "Oh I will, be lucky you aren't the one carrying!" I say "Are you hungry or do you want to sleep?" He asks me as I start getting into bed "What does it look like?" I say as he turns off the lights in the house and gets into bed "God, sleeping is so hard when you're 6 months" I say "Yeah, it looks really bad" Gene says as I elbow him "Ow!" He says "Oh be quiet and sleep" I say as we both doze off.

Today was the day of my husbands concert, I'm pretty excited actually because I have a backstage pass, well that's isn't really new, but whatever. "Oh, hey guys!" I say as I see Zane, Travis and Alex "Hello, are we early?" Zane asks "Nope, we have the backstage passes remember so we can go backstage before and after the concert" I say (I think, idk how backstage passes work) "Ok" Zane says as we walk to the stage, we were greeted by 2 of the band members "Oh, are you Gene's omega?" One of them asks "Yes, I am" I say "Ok, well he's backstage getting ready" The other band member says "Thanks, also these three are with me" I say as we walk onto the stage and behind it. "Gene?" I say looking for him "I'm over hear!" I hear him yell as us three walk over "Susan, you can go now" He says as the makeup lady leaves "So what you doing?" He says "Just looking I guess, nothing's really happening since the concert isn't for another hour" I say, after awhile of talking we hear a sneeze "Oh, bless you" Zane says as he laughs "That was adorable!" I say "I know, his sneezes and laughs are adorable" Travis says. After the concert we all decided to go home since it was late "Y'know you didn't have to stay" Gene says as I almost fall asleep in the passanger side "I know, but I didn't want to leave" I say as I doze off to sleep.

After that day I have never had a better rest, I guess I was able to sleep in the car without the little devil kicking me. And after our kid was born, we barely got any sleep, we were so tired. I did get pregnant again, so our family is gonna be a family of 4 after this child is born.

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