Physical Therapist x Pro Volleyball Player

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This is an Chikara x Tobio fanfic, I recently just found out that this ship exists and I'm freaking out. Chikara is an alpha Crow and Tobio is an omega crow, I couldn't think of an animal other than a crow.

                                                                 Tobio Pov

I had just gotten to practice whn I noticed Chikara there, I was confused. The coach enters and says he needs to talk with us, "So, the reason Chikara Ennoshita is here is because he's a physical therapist and I think all of you need some physical therapy. Just because you're healthy doesn't mean you can't get arthritis or something" Coach says, we all agree because if we don't we might have a punishment of some kind. To be quite honest, nobody knows that we're married, and mated for that matter. I asked to have "Kageyama" put on the back of my jersey, I only did that because people can be cruel. Chikara talked and trained with everyone, and I was last, what a surprise. "Did you just want to do this because I was here?" I ask, "Yes" Chikara answers, "Very blunt answer Chikara" I say, "I know, but ti's true" He says. He decided to stay when we practiced, I guess the coach wanted him to stay, maybe just incase something happens to one of us, like an ankle twist, or fracture. While we were practicing I felt faint, I just ignored it, than it was just black.

                                                                        Chikara Pov

All of a sudden there was a loud thud, I turned to look and see Tobio on the ground and I sprint over. "Hey, Hey, Can you hear me?" I say, but there was no answer. Other people tried to get close to him, but I didn't let them. "Woah...Calm down Chikara, we aren't gonna hurt him?" Korai says, "Why are you being protective of him anyway?" Nicollas asks, "Because he's my mate and we're married, does that answer your damn question?" I say, making atleast two people flinch, "You....Are? Then why does his jersey say "Kageyama" instead of "Ennoshita"?" Fukuro asks, "Because he made it that way?" I say. I then feel movement and I look down at Tobio. "Hey...Are you alright?" I say, "What happened?" He asks, "You collapsed" Wakatoshi says, "Oh...." Tobio answers. 

                                                          Tobio Pov

"I have a confession...." I say as Chikara sits with me, "What is it?" He asks, "I'm pregnant.....Again" I say, "Y-you are?" Chikara says, "Your what?!" I hear Toshiro yell, "You shouldn't be playing volleyball if you're pregnant....And did you say again?" Tatsuto says, "Yes....Yes I did say again..." I say sadly, "Oh...Was the last one bad?" Wakatoshi asks, "Miscarriage...." I say, "Oh...Is that why you were out for a while?" Korai asks, "Yes Korai.....And I know you can relate because you're also an omega...." I say, "Yeah...Fukuro and I have a kid though..." Korai says, "We have one as well.....She was premature...." I say, "Oh....." Korai says. The team seems to be sad now, and coach seems to be on the phone with someone. He walks over, "Ok so, Tobio's jersey is gonna be changed to have "Ennoshita" intead, and please do refrain from crying on the court" He says, "Hai!" We say. There is then feet running and all I hear, "Mama! Daddy!" We all look over to see a tiny child being carried by my sister, "Who's that?" Nicollas asks, "Hi baby...." I say as Miwa hands her to me, "Oh, she's your daughter! What's her name?" Korai asks, "My n-names....N-Nasya!" She says, stuttering, "What a cute name" Korai says. "Chikara your brother is also here" Miwa says, "Oh, he is? Tell him we're in the gym" Chikara says, "Alright" Miwa says, leaving. 

It has been 7 months, and I'm excited to have our little boy. But I'm also scared because he could be born early, like his sister....Hopefully that doesn't happen, but I don't have my hopes up.....

Kazuki Ennoshita was born on January 10th, 2019, and he's been a blessing.

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