National Volleyball Star x Assistant Coach (SA Warning)

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This is a Bokuroo fanfic, because why not? Tetsuro is and omega cat and Kotaro is an alpha owl. Mentions of SA.

                                                                Tetsuro pov

The team has won another game again, I'm super proud of how far they've come. I was then engulfed with a hug. "Haha! We did it Tetsuro!" Kotaro says holding me up, "Yeah you did" I say looking at Kotaro. We decided to celebrate with the team by going out to eat "Well done team" Iwaizumi says, "Yeah, great job today" The head coach says. The team decides to have a few drinks, which might not have been a good idea, so I had to call their spouses and tell them. Kotaro on the other hand didn't drink, because he doesn't like alcohol. Me and Kotaro stayed until everyone had left, even the head coach, than we went home. "Kotaro, are you feeling ok?" I ask, "Yeah, why?" He answers, "Oh, you seemed a little out of it when we were with the others" I say, "Oh right, it's because I was looking at you" He says, "Oh..." I say blushing a little. We have made it home, and it was only 5 p.m. so we got back home a lot faster than I thought we would. "Tetsuro, when is your next heat cycle?" Kotaro asks out of the blue, "In a few days, why?" I answer, "Ok" He answes back, "Why did you need to know?" I ask, "Just incase y'know?" He answers, "Ok?" I answer back confused.

It has been a few days since he asked that question and the team is now playing again. I decided to go to the bathroom so I wouldn't be a bother to Kotaro. A few moments later someone walks in and I can already tell it's an alpha, this makes me nervous. "What's an omega in heat doing in the bathroom by himself?" I hear the man say as he walks towards me, "I have a husband" I say as I show him my ring, "And? He doesn't have to know~" The man says grabbing me tightly so I can't escape his grip, "Let me go!" I yell at him, but he doesn't listen. By this point I couldn't do anything else except wait and hope that someone would help me. I heared the buzzer which indicated the first game was over and maybe someone would come into the bathroom. Just then I feel something and I was truly terrified. "No, stop...." I plead, but he doesn't listen. Just then I hear a thud and the man falls to the ground along with me. "Tetsuro are you ok?!" I hear a voice say, I look up to see Kotaro, and I grab onto him for support and comfort, "He...He tried to..." I try to talk but no words came out. "Shh....I'm here now....You're alpha's here...." Kotaro says releasing calming pheremones, which does help me calm down. He then looks at my neck and sees that the man has bitten me, "That bastard!" Kotaro says as we leave and head to the changing room. He doesn't put me down, but instead has me up against a wall, "Get rid of his please Kotaro..." I say as Kotaro nods and bites my neck. I make small whimpers, but muffle them so that if someone walks by they won't hear them. "Much better~" Kotaro says as he looks at me, "Kotaro you have to get back to the game" I say, "Nah, I'm on the bench anyway right now" He says.

                                                                    No ones pov

Tetsuro kissed Kotaro in an effort to muffle his moans when his husband played with his nipples. "Kotaro, stop teasing~" Tetsuro says lustfully, "Already wet?" Kotaro says pulling his husbands pants down only to reveal t-stringed underwear, "My, my, you planned this out huh kitty?" Kotaro says, "Yes....I was hoping we'd be able to wait until we got home....But here is fine~" Tetsuro says kissing Kotaro as he feels a hand pull his underwear. Tetsruo then reaches down and tugs at his husbands volleyball shorts, "Now wait a minute kitty" Kotaro says making Tetsuro whine. Just then Testsuro screams, and muffles his moans, "Let me hear you kitty, hell, let everyone here hear your beautiful noises" Kotaro says as he pushes himself all the way into Tetsuro. Kotaro gets faster with every thrust making Tetsuro a moaning mess, "Kotaro!~" Tetsuro says as his husband pounds into him.

After that happened Tetsuro's legs were way too shakey for him to walk so Kotaro had to carry him to the court which got a lot of stares, but Kotaro didn't mind. Tetsuro was embarassed about what they had just did and hid his face inside of Kotaro's chest.

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