"Like you said, there isn't a second to waste." Andrew said, slowly taking the bigger gun out of Peter's hand. Before anyone realised what he was doing, it was too late. He walked around the corner, openly firing at the soldiers in front of him. The rest of us jumped out and started firing too until all the soldiers were on the floor. I sighed a sigh of relief and turned back to check on the others.

Caleb was crouched over his father's body sobbing, Tris looked over sadly, not fully having time to process what's going on, "He'll be behind that door, Tris. Don't worry about Caleb, I'll look after him, go." I nudged her towards the door, she brushed away the tears on her cheeks and went through.

By the time I'd turned around to see Caleb, Marcus was already with him, comforting him. There's something so gut-wrenching seeing a man who's caused you so much pain, comforting someone else. Especially when he doesn't even know Caleb. But he couldn't ever make his own kids feel safe. It made me feel sick. "Baby?" Peter called out behind me,

His arm was bleeding out pretty bad, he'd slouched over next to a crate nearby, his eyelids fluttering like he was dropping in and out of consciousness, "Shit! Peter!" I grabbed his good arm and helped him sit down on the crate, leaning him against the wall, "You stay there, I'm going to go grab stuff from the med bay, just stay awake for me, okay?"

"Okay." he groaned but attempted a smile, I quickly ran back down the hall to the infirmary.


Luckily, Peter was still awake by the time I came back. I'd grabbed bandages, a stitching pack, tissues, tweezers and a vial of painkiller serum - as much as I could carry. "Hey, you still with me?" I gently held up his head with one of my hands on his cheek,

"Yeah, yeah, just get this fucker out of me." he groaned.

"Alright, this is gonna hurt like a bitch, you know that? Don't be a pussy about it." I cracked a laugh and he rolled his eyes jokingly,

"Only you'd tell me not to be a pussy when I'm bleeding out." he chuckled.

I injected his arm with the painkiller serum first and then got to work with the tweezers, trying to pull the bullet out of the wound. His whole body tensed up under the pain as he tried not to scream when I pulled the bullet out. I dropped the bullet beside me and began cleaning his arm with the tissues, applying pressure to the wound. He held the tissue on as I tried to put the stitching thread through the needle.

Once I'd stitched up the bullet hole, I wrapped his bicep up in bandages, "How's that feel?"

"Better." he groaned slightly as he shifted his arm, "Thanks." he smiled weakly at me.

"Bonnie." Marcus cut in from behind me, waiting awkwardly for me to turn around, "Can I talk to you?"

"No." I bluntly replied, staring blankly at the wall behind Peter's head, not turning to face Marcus.

"Don't be a child, we need to talk."

I turned around and tried to hide the fear in my voice as I spoke, "I have nothing to say to you, and there's nothing you can say to me that I'll want to hear."

"Just listen-"

"Hey, no!" Peter jumped up and took a step in front of me, "I don't know who you are, I don't really care. If she says she doesn't wanna talk, she doesn't wanna talk."

"I'm her father. I'll talk to her whenever I want."

"I don't care, okay?" Peter challenged, "I'm her boyfriend and I'm pretty sure I've learned more about her in the past few months than you ever have in her entire life. So just fuck off." Boyfriend? my heart pounced up in my chest and I looked up at Peter. Marcus took the hint and retreated back to Caleb. Peter turned around and saw me staring at him, "What?" he frowned.

"Nothing." I shook it off, "Um, thanks."

"You want to talk about it?" he asked, still frowning,

"I guess there's no point in hiding anymore." I mumbled, "I thought I could run from it all, move away, change my name, but it all catches up, I guess. That's my father, Marcus Eaton."

Peter's face suddenly dropped and a wave of guilt smashed into him, "Shit, he's Marcus? And that means all the rumours - they were true? Fuck, I'm so sorry Baby."

"Bonnie," I corrected, "Bonnie Artemis Eaton, that's my real name. It's pointless trying to run from that anymore." I played with the hem of my shirt as I stared at the ground.

"Hey," he tilted my chin up with his finger, "You don't need to run anymore, you're safe. I've got you." he gently kissed the tip of my nose. For the first time, I believed him, without any shadow of a doubt.

The door opposite us slid open and Tris burst through with Tobias trailing close behind, "Tobias." Marcus stood in disbelief looking at him,

"We need to keep moving." Tobias walked straight past him, "You okay?" he asked me, probably feeling just as uncomfortable as I was with Marcus being there,

"Always," I forced a small smile, "Let's go."

The six of us fled the compound and ran for the train that was then departing the station, I jumped on first, helping Peter and Caleb climb in. Tobias followed closely behind, relectantly helping Marcus onto the train. Tris was the last person out but safely made it onto the train. I sat down in the corner and Peter collapsed down next to me, "Hey Pete?"

"Yeah?" he looked into my eyes,

"Earlier, when you were talking to Marcus, you called yourself my boyfriend?" I questioned,

"Shit, yeah, I just thought, um," he struggled, "I thought you and I, you know. Sorry, I didn't think-"

"No, I liked it." I stopped his painful attempt at an explanation, giving a reassuring smile,

"Really?" he grinned, "So how about it, Nose? Wanna make this official?"

"Yeah, I'd love that." I tried not to smile too excitedly at him, obviously not wanting to boost his ego more than it needs to be.

It's strange. Despite losing everything and being more lost than ever, I found what I'd always been searching for - a family. I can finally know that no matter what happens now, I have everything I could ever need right in front of me. We'll ride the train to the end of the line today, God knows where that'll take us, but tomorrow. Tomorrow is only the beginning, and I can't wait to see where the story ends.

Andddd that's the end of Divergent, let me know what you thought :)

roll on Insurgent...

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