Chapter 7

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Gabriella sauntered inside the huge chamber and closed the door behind her. A surprised Diana raised eyebrows as she looked up from where she was practising her calligraphy. She stood up as Gabriella approached.

"Princess,how may I help you?" Gabriella couldn't help but smirk. Oh I got you now,and considering it was so easy she mused as she maintenained her smirk as she imagined all the things she could make her do,after all,she was forced and bound to be under her authority now.

"Oh you can certainly do a lot more than that"Gabriella twisted her curls softly and smoothed her skirts before looking at a frowning Diana again. " How foolish of you to use your real name among us"she clicked her tongue in contempt before smirking again. " You thought one of us wouldn't find out?" She let out a short derisive laugh.

"I don't know what you're talking about"her face didn't betray her. She just stood stoic against the wall staring at Gabriella quietly. She wasn't bothered though,Gabriella knew she would cave in sooner rather than later.

"You really think yourself smart don't you?" Gabriella circled her like a vulture examining it's prey. " You really thought we wouldn't find out huh Diana of the house of Flamberg?" Gabriella smirked as she saw her fake mask twitch and freeze at the mention of her house name.

Nonetheless she shook her head,"you are mistaken. The names are but identical. I am Diana of the house of Winter"she said and Gabriella chuckled before becoming serious.

"Let's see what the entire court says then about that when I show them the evidence"then she made her way to the door. She could feel Diana's burning gaze on her back but she continued walking.

The minute she opened the huge double doors,she was met with a handsome face of a young man with raven black hair,soft hazel eyes and flawless alabaster skin. He was dressed in royal garb foreign to her though. Royal blue and gold. A dragon was on his chest, embroidered in gold. A prince.

"Hello,I'm Lucas"he greeted her and then she felt something heavy connect with the back of her skull and she felt consiousness slipping from her and her knees buckled from beneath her and she fell. Her head landing harshly on the marble floor. The last face she saw was that handsome young prince grinning at her.


"Good lord sis couldn't you have had a better option?" Lucas asked dramatically as he shoved the barrel with his foot into the salty ocean. It was double locked with Gabriella inside. The woman was now awake and she thrashed and screamed inside but they didn't care. They watched as the hungry waves quickly devoured its form and soon enough,it was out of sight.

His older sister stood stoic beside him,watching for any signs of the barrel but they both knew that it was a way of no return. They weren't amateurs after all.

"That was impulsive thinking on my part"she breathed something resembling a sigh. "I'm sorry".

Lucas, astonished,looked at his sister but nonetheless decided to change the trajectory of such an awkward topic. " So where did she disappear to?"his sister have him a knowing smirk.

"She eloped with prince Edward"she simply said and he frowned.

"Edward? But he's in the castle not somewhere on a boat"he reminded and she turned to him. A full blown smirk on her lips.

"Didn't they teach you well in the Isle of Fire? Come on,we have something to finish"she said already walking away leaving Lucas to follow.

By noon,news had already spread that prince Edward,one of the visiting dignitaries,had eloped with the second princess of the kingdom of Diadera. This sent a spanner in the works for Harold and the other king. The king or moreover the prince of Diadera wouldn't take too kindly to this matter. There was a huge possibility of war in such a case.

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