Ch 9: Dark Times

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At Manhattan.

It been six days since the battle of Manhattan and a lot change.

The first is most of the gods are strip of their powers but the goddesses and the rest of the gods kept their powers then there is their punishments.

Zeus is no longer king and now trap in a pyramid where he is tortured.

Poseidon now share the seas with the primordial god of the ocean which seem fair in Poseidon eyes.

Apollos no longer drive the sun thus taking away his ride but it justified.

Hera is no longer queen and is currently imprisoned in her bedroom until her sentence is up.

Ares is stripped of his title and is serving imprisonment for the war he causes.

Hermes is currently helping camp half blood as the new director with Hestia.

End of list:

The goddesses Athena, Artemis, and Hestia are Witness lovers with Aphrodite and Hera being his pets.

The second is that both Camp half blood and camp Jupiter no longer take quests but missions which is better plus they get pay same with the Amazons and Artemis Huntresses.

The young ladies Hylla, Reyna, and Piper are Witness lovers.

An: I read that Piper is no longer Jason girlfriend in canon.

The third is that both avengers and their allies were set free on the seventh day surprising everyone but all Witness say is this.

Witness: "The Avengers and their allies only fight because they are humanity defenders thus plus it too soon for the Avengers to be defeated"

The fourth is those that help Witness which are Kratos, Hades, the titans, Giants and Typhon.


The titans are free from their imprisonments.

Hades is given the rights to spend time with his children.

Kratos become the new god of war and peace who is doing a excellent job then Ares him.

The Giants and minor gods become the new council of Olympus.

And finally Typhon is given a small freedom to explore the world for six months every year.

End of list.

Finally is that Union lost their alliance with the greek gods while the magicians were sent back to Egypt but are warn not to attack Manhattan.

These changes bring dark times to Union and the government as both lost powerful allies.

However within the Witness new stronghold of New York a meeting is taking place between the Witness and a unexpected guest.

Y/N the Witness Pov:

Currently I am sitting on my throne in the Empire State building when I sense a unknown presence.

Me: "You know it rude to enter my universe Darkspawn" I said then see a corridor of darkness appear and exiting it is y/n the Darkspawn.

Darkspawn: "I assume you know why I'm here?" He ask which I glare.

Me: "to join your so called evil y/n council but I won't as I don't care about other universe's except my own. However I will support your cause of bringing every Union to ruined for they don't deserve the salvation" I said which he nod.

Darkspawn: "Alright but do be warned that you're be neutral in our war against the forces of good" he said which I sigh.

Me: "Good vs evil. Light vs Darkness. Hell vs that fake Heaven. It always the same: pain and suffering" I said.

Darkspawn: "True but we the evil y/n council only want one thing: vengeance and justice" he said then leave.

Me: "vengeance and justice maybe similar but they are different like the sides of a coin" I said then summon a glass of fine wine which I then drink.

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