Ch. 73 She's Never Coming Back

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Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
We kept busy until four working on the painting. I hope we finish this, and I can give it to Lily to put in her room at her house.
With no text from Drift or Sideswipe wondering where we are, Lily and I enjoy a little time together. Even if Lily is sitting on my lap, leaning on me as I sit on the floor, she could probably stay like this for hours.
Hey, where are you two? Sideswipe asks. Drift is looking for you before we leave.
Maybe I'll find out why he left during breakfast this morning. Sideswipe didn't say anything about Lily being unable to come with me.

Drift was trying to figure out how to deal with my pain. His plan was an IV, which, while we can cover it, it's not great for a camping trip. Ratchet knows of other drugs that'll last twelve hours. He gave me one that lasts six hours. Drift and Lily question his decision when neither drug requires a prescription. While I've been able to use over-the-counter pain relief. I don't take it in time. Hopefully, one lasting twelve hours will help.

Lily and I go to our room to pack up for the weekend. I can smell she's afraid we'll get caught, even if she loves how I've been
unofficially her roommate as we walk down the empty hall.

I close the door and have Lily look at me.
"It's ok; no one can prove we've been sharing this room. I think Luke knows and hasn't said anything," I assure her while hugging her.
Another reason it's not good she's leaving for a while. I'm beginning to worry she'll never come back.
Sunstreaker?! Sideswipe worries.

I swear, in seconds, Drift is knocking on the door. Sideswipe is with him. Drift tells Lily to go with Sideswipe. There's no way we can keep Lily from worrying about me.
"Sideswipe rushed to me, panicking. You ok?"
"She'll never come back."
"Lily doesn't even like she'll be not allowed to come back here until school starts," Drift reminds me, "Lily loves you. She's not looking to say goodbye for good, and her parents didn't say that's the plan."
I didn't think Drift would hug me.

Sideswipe's P.O.V.
I've never felt Sunstreaker panic as I did five minutes ago. What I felt was different than the times he had an anxiety attack. I'm not sure if I can say this time, he was panicking.
Drift: Sunstreaker is ok. We're coming down now.
Lily stares at me, worried.
"He's fine and coming down with Drift," I tell Crosshairs, Lightning, and Lily.
I know Crosshairs and Lightning are concerned, but not like Lily is. She's terrified.

Crosshairs has to keep her from running up to Sunstreaker.
"I'm fine," he assures her as the two hug.
Drift will tell us about the conversation the two had when Lily is asleep. I can talk to Sunstreaker in the bathroom at the restaurant, but I don't know what'll happen. It's better to wait until Lily is asleep.

I don't like this, Sideswipe. Sunstreaker tells me through the bond as we watch Lily barely eat.
We'll talk later.
I'd rather not say, but I don't think he'll be ok as we talk. Dinner is quiet, and I don't like it.
"I was hoping to deal with most of the problems by the end of the month," Drift tells me as we leave the restaurant, "getting the others to stop avoiding Lily is going to be a challenge. Even the other femmes are avoiding her."
I'm concerned about what the issue is now.

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
I don't know how to explain this feeling I have. Drift isn't concerned that I need to see Ratchet or Rung. Lily is terrified something is wrong with me. She won't relax on the drive to the spot.

Drift having me sit on the log rather than helping everyone set up isn't helping her. I'm glad I had Sideswipe go to Panera Bread for me. The cookies won't get Lily to stop worrying, but hopefully, she'll be occupied.

Lily struggles to fall asleep. Finally, at eleven, she's asleep. This feeling I have still won't go away.
Crosshairs and Lightning worry while I've added to Sideswipe's worry. I'm still not used to how everyone is supportive. Even Sideswipe would normally oppose me befriending a human if it were anyone else, but it was his idea to repair my relationship with Lily.
"We'll help you two," Lightning tells me and hugs me.
I'm left alone as the others go to bed. All I hear is the crackling fire as I look at one picture of Lily on my phone. When will the feeling this could fall apart end?

"You're still up?" I hear Drift ask.
I didn't realize I've been sitting here for an hour. The fire is barely burning.
"I... lost track of time."
"Considering today's event, I don't believe you," Drift argues as he sits beside me, "I hate how hard this is, but we'll figure this out. Come on, before you end up sleeping in late."

I wake up seeing Lily sleeping next to me.
Somebot had gotten my pain relief and water bottle ready. The challenge is to cause minimal pain as I take the pills. It shouldn't be a problem if Lily wakes up before the drug starts to work.
Are you ok? Sideswipe asks through the bond.
It's getting harder to ignore that she's leaving. Ten days, Sideswipe. Even if I can contact her. Her parents are uncertain if they'll let her come back. I tell him.
I don't believe that. They know their femme is in love and have seen how much you love her. They even talked about rules. It seems silly if they were only letting Lily stay until she recovered.
I hope she'll be allowed back here soon after school starts. I worry about Lily as the days we have together run out.

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