Ch. 69 Are They Reconsidering?

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Ratchet's P.O.V.
Lily rushing into my office is concerning. Add that she's terrified. I can skip the questioning. I grab my med bag, instruct Jolt to inform Rung, and run out of the medbay with Lily.

"I don't know what happened. We were - he just passed out," she explains as we rush upstairs.
I know Sunstreaker doesn't dare break the rules, so she's not saying they fragged. I've already seen now Sunstreaker would let Lily lay on him. I don't know why she's afraid to tell me.

We meet Sideswipe at the top of the stairs. He says nothing and rushes to Lily's room with us.

Sunstreaker is still unconscious when we get to the room. Three to four minutes, that's concerning even for us. Lily and Sideswipe worry, seeing I have to put Sunstreaker on oxygen. Rung rushes in, shocked by the scene.
"Sunstreaker?" I don't know how long he's been like this. He wakes up, looking for Lily, "easy, she's here. What happened?"
"Come on, Lily, I think Ratchet is going to want Sunstreaker to eat, and you have no snacks here."
Lily knows what Sideswipe is doing but goes with him. As for Sunstreaker, I think I can figure out what happened. The only thing I can do is give him medication for anxiety. I'm not sure if talking to Rung will help him.

"... neither of them are going to talk to Lily's parents. I know we agreed not to help unless necessary, but I think we better intervene," Rung suggests.
I agree and text Drift to check on Sunstreaker in fifteen minutes and inform him that Lily is with Sideswipe, who knows the situation.

"Ratchet? Is something wrong?!" Lexie asks.
"Lily isn't physically hurt," I tell her.
I'm allowed in the house and to the living room. Lexie goes to get her husband. I didn't feel the need to disrupt Luke from his work.
Mason is concerned about why I'm here. I doubt he'd feel different had Optimus been the one visiting.
"You said Lily isn't physically hurt," Lexie starts, "what's going on?"
I'm amazed she's calm, knowing Sunstreaker's history.
"Lily is afraid you two have decided to keep her from the base. I thought Sunstreaker knows you two want Lily to learn to balance being with him and her friend until he passed out earlier today. He's afraid like Lily. I know this is hard to figure out, but I'm hoping you two can talk to them before the end of the month."
Mason sighs, "I know every father worries about their daughter, and maybe the fact Sunstreaker is an alien is adding to my worry. Plus, Lily is only twelve."
"But she's happy," Lexie adds, "you know I, too, worry."
I know Sunstreaker's history and personality isn't helping them decide anything regarding their daughter dating him. I leave them to figure this out.

Sunstreaker is off oxygen when I return to Lily's room. I trust Drift enough not to double-check that Sunstreaker is stable. Sideswipe was serious about getting Sunstreaker food as I see Sunstreaker eating an apple.
"Sideswipe knows we can't lie to Lily," Drift explains, "I'm glad he was able to tell her something convincing."
"I worry she knows what's happening when he's like this. Lily's parents can help, but I think only time will help these two believe they can have the relationship they want."
I let Drift leave the room and tell Sunstreaker what I told Lily's parents.
"... I'm hoping they'll understand and let you two stay in contact," I explain, "I know you love her."
"I know I shouldn't because of her age, but I do."
This is an interesting answer. Especially coming from Sunstreaker. The two know they'll have strict rules until Lily is sixteen or eighteen, but that won't stop them. I tell Sunstreaker he can leave his room as I leave.

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
I don't know what I will do, even if Lily will be back once school starts. I know Lily's parents need to figure things out, but I hope they don't take too long - or at least let Lily and I stay in contact. I stay in my room until five.

By five, the pain is back. I can fill up my water bottle in the bathroom, but the pain is ignorable, and I can wait until I get to the kitchen.

That is until Lily runs towards me to hug me.
"Are you trying to avoid your painkillers?" She asks as I fail to hide how much pain I'm now in.
"No, I need to fill my water bottle. I thought I'd be fine waiting until I get to the kitchen."
Now, it hurts to walk. Drift insists I sit at a table, and he'll get water for me. I need to talk to Ratchet about this. He said six weeks, and it's been four. I don't think I'm supposed to feel pain like this.

"You are healing. This pain is normal, unfortunately, for up to another four weeks," Ratchet explains as he looks at the incision, "the incision heals in six weeks."
Ratchet leaves the room. I lay on the exam bed until the pain relief kicks in.

I figured Lily and Sideswipe would be playing video games. Drift has been looking to talk to me. We go to the bench in the back of the room by the air hockey table.
"No, I'm not ok," I tell him before he can ask.
"Obviously, after today, I'm concerned about the plan."
"Lily needs to learn not to ignore her friend. I just...her parents don't know what to think about Lily loving me. They suddenly decide she needs to stay away from the base just...I don't know...."
Drift sighs, "I don't know either. I hope I'm not deliberately being told nothing."
Drift hates not knowing and being unable to say everything will work out. We know Lily's parents need time to think. Luke is already on our side. I hope he doesn't go too far that he's not allowed to talk to Lily. I don't regret falling for her, but I already regret breaking her spark.

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