Ch. 51 A Date Out of The Base

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Lily's P.O.V.
I followed a routine all week to study as much as possible while resting and spending time with Sunstreaker. By three in the afternoon, my anxiety is high. I know I can't take sleep aid with the medications Ratchet put me on, and I doubt a higher dose for tonight and tomorrow will work if Ratchet agrees. Even if summer school is during the day and I can stay here, it still sucks knowing that's less time with Sunstreaker. Then there's trying to figure out how to spend time with Veronica without blowing the secret. R
"Will you relax before you pass out?" Sunstreaker asks, "and I thought you weren't worried. We'd just keep the routine we had going before the kids hurt you," Sunstreaker hugs me, "I love you. This is better than we're fighting a war," he has me on his lap on the bed, "I know you're only twelve, but I already feel like I can't let you join N.E.S.T. I don't want to lose you... but I don't want to tell you no ... I don't know...."
"That's six years away... unless you're going to keep me from building muscle...."
"No, you need to build muscle and gain weight. I'm not sure what your parents will think.. we're thinking too far ahead. Hopefully, you will pass your test, and we can go camping. It'll be a few weeks before you can do any workouts.... if you don't run half a mile again.

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
I get Lily to watch T.V. until dinner. While texting Ratchet, hoping I can take Lily out.
Sunstreaker: Lily is full of anxiety about the test. Can I take her out?
Ratchet: yeah, she should be ok, but I advise having her use sunglasses while outside.
I'm feeling bad that Crosshairs and Drift won't be coming with us, even though I want tonight to be a date. Am I still that worried about screwing up?
I text Drift, hoping he can help. This turns into planning an outing with all of us tomorrow to celebrate Lily passing her test. I want the camping trip to be only Lily and me.

Lily is happy to be going out for dinner. I take her to a nice restaurant, but I don't care if she wants to wear her dress.
Sunstreaker: I forgot to tell you that Lily is dealing with a high anxiety level. Is there anything you can do?
Ratchet: all I can do is give her a higher dose of her medication for tonight, and I'll drop it off later.
Even though Lily chooses not to wear the dress, she's beautiful.

It's hard to believe Lily is underweight with how much she'll eat. I'm not worried about Lily eating very little, but I've never seen her eat like this.
Hey Sideswipe, it turns out not all femmes order a salad. I mock through the bond and send a picture of the food.
Sideswipe: how is she underweight?
Sunstreaker: no idea, and Ratchet has said nothing about her health being the culprit. Even if she's very active, she hasn't been in six weeks. Surely she would have gained some weight.
I need to talk to Ratchet about this.

Even after everything Lily ate, she still wants cookies from Panera Bread. We go to the park by the base before eating the cookies though the ducks are asleep. There's an inaccessible portion of land by the pond where the ducks are asleep, and no human would see them at this hour. Lily smiles, being able to see the ducks. Oddly, this makes me wonder if she is thinking about her uncle whenever she experiences something that isn't normal for humans. I haven't asked Prowl about that case. I'm certain Fred will be sentenced to prison. If it's not life in prison, I hope he's not allowed to see Lily.
We sit on the bench, enjoying the cookies we got. Lily is relaxed. I'm hoping she'll fall asleep, but then there's the concern that she'll have anxiety-induced nightmares. Not sure if talking about the camping trip will help or add to her anxiety.
Lily wants to return to the base by seven and watch a movie.

I have Lily get ready for bed, take the higher dose capsule Ratchet brought to her room before we start the movie, and lay on the couch, her head resting on my lap. Hoping this will help her relax and fall asleep.
Lily is asleep halfway through the movie. I put her to bed, but I don't want to leave. Lily thinks I'll be leaving, so she shouldn't have nightmares about me. I hope those have stopped for good.

Lily's P.O.V.
I was wondering if Sunstreaker would stay here. The question is because I was hoping he'd stay here, and I didn't have nightmares. Are they over? Or is the higher dose of my medication helping with that? Sunstreaker slept in the other bed. I lay close to him, but not under the covers.
"Couldn't get under the covers?" Sunstreaker tiredly asks as he moves me closer and kisses me.
"No, I have to get ready for school."

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
As I watched Lily get clothes and go into the bathroom, I figured out my problem; how much trouble could I be by dating her? I've heard that only teens sixteen and older can frag, which means this relationship is illegal. I don't want to tell her.
Sideswipe, I need you to take Lily to school.

"Sideswipe is going to take you," I tell Lily as we hug in the hangar, feeling dizzy, "you'll do fine."
I watch Sideswipe drive away.
"We've got you," I hear Crosshairs, as I feel like I will pass out again.
The two mechs have me sit on the floor by the wall.

Ratchet's P.O.V.
I asked Drift to alert me if Sunstreaker has another anxiety attack. Drift is trying to get Sunstreaker to drink water, hoping to keep him from passing out, but I don't think it's working.
I don't understand. I thought everything was going well?
"Sunstreaker, hey, what's going on?" I ask, hoping to keep him from passing out.
Sunstreaker only says 'illegal' before passing out.
Crosshairs, Drift, and I look at each other.
"We need to get Lily's parents here," I tell them, "I'll talk to Prime and Luke. Watch him. He should be fine."
I hope this is the last reason Sunstreaker is dealing with this problem. This should be easy to deal with.

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