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The villain's beauty is beyond the charts [Quick time travel]
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 36 (2)

    09: "..." Why does it think that these two people are going to be in trouble?

    In the next few hours, the two tried their best to break free from the rope. As the insect star got closer, their eyes couldn't help showing the color of despair.

    Zhai Zhinan slept on the cushion, woke up and found that they still hadn't made any progress, and couldn't help feeling a little bored, "It's so stupid, I can't even untie a rope." 009: "Master, don't you think it's because you tied the rope?

    " Is it too tight?"

    Before Zhai Zhinan could speak, 009 immediately changed his tone, "Of course not, they must be too stupid to find a knot!" For its two lollipops, how could it be doubted? Isn't it the host's?

    "That's right, we'll talk like that from now on." Zhai Zhinan boasted.

    009, who was feeling apprehensive, immediately understood, "Good host!" It reminded itself once again that the host not only likes to praise itself, but also likes others to praise.

    At this time, the spaceship entered the atmosphere of the insect star, and with a slight shaking, the spaceship began to land slowly.

    Xia Yiyang was so frightened that he almost cried, "What should I do? Liang Xufeng, think of a way." "

    I don't know what to do?" Liang Xufeng stared straight at the window at this time, seeing the distance from the ground getting closer and closer. Nearest, this is the drop point he personally set, because there are many insect nests nearby.

    Five minutes later, the spacecraft landed slowly.

    There was only a clicking sound, and the insect attractant on the spaceship spread along the downdraft.

    A minute later, as far as the two of them could see, countless Zergs of various colors came out from all over the place, and the overwhelming cloud of Zergs rushed towards the spaceship, and the spaceship seemed to step into the night in an instant. .
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