Rising Malevolence

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(Y/n) POV

It has been a few days since I left Coruscant to search for this 'mystery weapon' with my master Plo-Koon to hunt it down and he told me that this weapon had been leaving no survivors and I keep thinking about it but for where we are, we are currently in a star system where we have caught up to it where it has reduced its speed by a red planet. I am currently standing nest to my master while we are on the bridge of his ship. Then Commander Wolf came up to us.

Wolf  : "The enemy ship has reduced its speed General."

Plo-Koon : "They must have realized we are tracking them."

(Y/n) : "Agreed, but look at the size of that thing, I'm surprised they were able to build it in secret."

Wolf : "The fleet is holding it position sir."

Plo-Koon : "I think it wise to report our position before we attack." *starts walking to the communicator*

(Y/n) : "I also think that as well, we don't know what we are in for." *also starts walking to the communicator.*

Wolf : "Skywalkers fleet is nearby in the Bith system."

Plo-Koon : "Good, perhaps he can reinforce us."

Wolf : "From what I hear Skywalker's always ready for a fight."

Plo-Koon : "So I've heard, especially from you my padawan."

(Y/n) : "Yeah, I can back that up from when I fought with him when watching over Ahsoka."

Plo-koon then turns on the communicator and I see Anakin and Ahsoka.

Ahsoka : "Kotoya Master Plo, you too (Y/n)."

(Y/n) : "Kotoya Ahsoka."

Pl- Koon : "Kotoya lil'soka."

Anakin : "How the hunt for the mystery weapon going you two."

Plo-Koon : "We've tracked it to the Avogado system, we need reinforcements."

(Y/n) : "And fast, we don't know how much firepower that thing has."

Anakin : "I'll have to ask the council Master Plo, I was given strict orders to protect our staging area."

Then somethings happens the transmission starts losing it connection, while I try to get it back up, while doing this Ahsoka sounds very concerned

Ahsoka : *concerned* "Master Plo, (Y/n) what's happening-"

Plo-Koon : "What is going on with the transmission my padawan ?"

(Y/n) : "I don't know these's too much interference, we've lost them, I think were being jammed."


Elsewhere 3rd POV

 Ahsoka : "You heard (Y/n) and Master Plo they need our support, we have to go help them."

Anakin : "We have to see what the council says first this is an important meeting Ahsoka, remember be mindful and speak only when spoken to."

They both enter the transmission room where a hologram of Mace Windu can be seen speaking.

Mace Windu : "This mystery weapon has struck in dozens of systems and disappeared without a trace."

Palpatine : "We cannot afford to lose any more ships my friends, ah Master Skywalker have you any luck finding General Grievous's mystery weapon."

Anakin : "Master-Plo was here in the Avogado system when we lost contact."


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