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[aaaalrighty we're trying angst. This is from Grian's point of view. This takes place in Double Life and my headcannon is that the watchers are the ones who decide all of the things that are "rolled" (I.e. boogeymen and lives in last life) they also control the "twist" of each one such as soulmates or timers]
TW: death/su!c!de, a little blood
No. I couldn't be paired with him. I can't do this. It's too dangerous. I can't keep FEELING like this. It will only hurt him in the end. Okay, Grian deep breaths I told myself. Just keep pushing. Keep. Him. Away
Suddenly, I was back. Back with them. In that awful void. Gone were my sweater and jeans, replaced with the signature robe and mask. The glamour I had placed on my wings to make them look like a parrot's was gone, too, revealing white feathers tipped with violet and gold. Xerathus stood before me, looking down with an air that felt disappointed, even though I couldn't see her face. Though the memory was fuzzy and the sound was distorted, I still knew exactly what she was telling me. I had failed again. Did I not remember last time? Did I not remember what happened with... with Taurtis? I was to pay. I was to suffer. No, not just me. All those close to me.
"Grian? You there bro?" Joel's words snapped me back and I remembered the present as I saw him somewhat jokingly waving his hand right in front of my eyes.
"Yeah, I think I know who my soulmate is" despite my best efforts, I sounded anything but convincing. I had a sneaking suspicion anyways. I had carefully kept my distance throughout Last Life, but I knew my behavior the season before had betrayed too much. And now, we were pushed together. Well, I guess I'll just have to push harder.
"Scar!" I called out, it was no use though as he was chasing his allay, eyes glistening and wholly focused. Good, a first attempt at this. I began to formulate a plan. I would act as though everything he did annoyed me, like he was nuisance, just a burden. Suddenly, the last piece clicked into place. I had been so disappointed when BigB wasn't paired with me, hadn't I? "Scar, I think you're my soulmate and you're too busy chasing fairies!" I yelled, trying my hardest to sound irritated, while in reality I was near to losing myself in the way the skin near his eyes crinkled with his smile.
"Wait, Grian does this hurt?" Joel whacked him, sending a jolt of pain through my side. Thank you Joel, time for the show I thought, feeling the weight of dozens of eyes dragging across me, studying my every move. They raked across my flesh, searing my skin with their gaze.
"NOOOOOO" I yelled, feeling like a certain heavy-breathing villain. Thank Notch! It worked, though as I felt the gazes raking across my skin like hot knives grow confused. Good.

Guilt and shame filled both my mind and heart as I made my way to BigB and Ren's base. Sure, they would leave Scar alone, but some selfish part of me hoped he would care enough to feel bad. And what about BigB? This was certainly going against their plans. What if he was to be punished? And Ren? If he were to find out, it would break his heart. I had seen how close they had grown.
I pushed all of this out of my mind. None of it mattered as long as Xerathus didn't give the order. I placed the mangrove wood I had brought along in a heart shape, feeling myself grow conflicted. Still, I carried on creating my gift.
"I made you this bread, it's made of GRAIN - your secret admirer" the sign read. I hoped he would understand. As I left, I hesitated just a moment. My heart longed to break all of it, to cast off this reckless plan and go back to the sweet menace at the cake I had made. If I was being honest, the whole situation made my stomach queasy. Would we be able to go back to how we were on Hermitcraft? Surely, I could explain everything, the truce X-eye-zooma had created with them, protecting me from the millions of prying eyes I could currently feel digging under my skin. But I knew this was how it had to happen. Though my mental barrier was strong, Scar would have to learn to hide his thoughts. I could shield them myself, but it took too much magic. Too much energy. And how as I supposed to explain this? Not to mention the fact that his mindscape had suddenly become impenetrable would certainly arouse suspicion. No, the only way this would work is if I truly duped everyone into believing we hated each other.

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