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[ok so this is based off a prompt I saw but can't find. Pretty much, it's a college AU where they're roommates]

Something odd is happening. My secret Toblerone stash is slowly going missing. my roommate, Grian, and I have bunk beds in our dorm. He called top bunk, which was fine with me because there is a little space between his mattress and the bottom of his bed that made for a perfect hiding space. We both have our friend, Mumbo over a lot but he hates sweets, so he can't be stealing my candy. The difference was hardly noticeable at first, so it can't be my roommate himself, Grian isn't subtle enough to be the treat theif. Our other friends have no idea that I have this stash. That I know of, that is. I guess I'll have to stage a little investigation.

It's time. Everyone's out of the room, and I can take some of scar's candy. Really, I'm just doing this to see how long it will take for him to notice, even though I do love chocolate. It really was a mistake of him to tell me about it, wasn't it. I sneak up to his bed, intent on just a peak of his Toblerone [#notsponsered]. I crawl onto his bed and lift up a corner where he's hollowed out my mattress.
Suddenly, just as I'm opening his chocolate, having abandoned all semblance of care when it comes to being quiet about it, Scar bursts through the door. The noise alone almost gives me a heart attack, but then he comes barreling into me, pushing me down onto the mattress

[sorry for all the switches]
At first I was surprised, but decided to take action. I ran into Grian tackling him into my bed. We were both giggling like schoolchildren until I noticed how close we were, feeling my face heat up. The effect is quickly ruined by Grian taking an ENTIRE bar of chocolate out, attempting to steal it away from me!! Of course, I use my own arm to chase after my stolen treat. This time I really stopped, my face so close to his that I could feel his sharp, giggly breaths against my face. I don't know how long I spent staring at him, trying to take in the perfection that made up his face. His eyes were fathoms deep and then some, drawing my own emerald ones in. I couldn't get enough of him, his slight flush, the crooked way his smile showed a chip in his front tooth. All of this was perfect to me, tied together with the way his mousy brown hair caught the light streaming in through our window, beautifully messy.
I don't know how long I sat there like an idiot, just staring and blushing but at some point I heard a small "ahem" and remembered myself, attempting to pull away only to fail miserably, somehow ending up with him laying on my chest. Next thing I know, his lips are on mine. Only for a second, a small peck, but it felt perfect.
"Oh" I hear him utter. He tries to pull away.
"Wait" I say, voice still shaky "can I..?" I ask, slightly embarrassed.
"You idiot" he says softly before he's there again, lips on mine. The kiss is slow and sweet, but it takes up my entire world, overwhelmed with this beautiful man, turning my brains to mush and my thoughts to a whirlwind. Suddenly, he pulls away again.

What did I just do. And why did I do it. Oh, I'm such an idiot, of course this godly, perfect man wouldn't want anything to do with me. He must notice my expression of doom, doom, and more doom because he sits the both of us up.
"Oh my god, Gri" he says, wonderment in his eyes "you're too perfect" now that takes me by surprise.
"Im sorry if that's too forward, but" he fidgets with his nails for a moment, looking away. "I really like you. Likeireallyreallylikeyouasmorethanafriendandimsorryifthisruinsthingsbetweenusand-" I cut him off with a finger to his lips, stopping his word-soup from proceeding any farther.
"I... I love you too" I say, unsure if that's the correct thing to say. It doesn't feel like it. It feels like no words could encapsulate my feelings for Scar.
"So... what does that make us now?"
"I-I dunno, boyfriends? If you want, I mean" I blurt, the last bit coming out in a slurry of doubt.
"Yeah, I'd like that" he replies, grasping my hand in his.

[alriiiight that's really bad!!! I wrote this in the middle of the night on my phone so the spelling and grammar are gonna suck, but I'm happy to have written my first thingie!!]

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