Chapter 1 | The Beginning

Start from the beginning

Wendy lunged at Natsu but Natsu blocked her, still pushing her through the door and breaking it in the process. Wendy jumped away from Natsu not wanting to get caught and took up a ready stance

Natsu smirked for a second but his anger consumed it. He assumed a ready stance

Natsu| Wendy I don't want to hurt you, let me have this

Wendy| not this time Natsu

Natsu| fine fire dragon's iron fist boosters

He ran toward the little girl at full speed and he was going to head-butt her but before he reached her Wendy was too quick. She jumped out of the way and landed a few meters away

Natsu turned around to face Wendy, then he was turning, he felt a sudden boost in power that none of his raging self from the past could reach

He used that power and ran to his sister

Natsu| fire dragon's sword horn

The attack made contact with Wendy, sending her into the air a few seconds later. She landed on her back to the ground and then slid for a few seconds until she abruptly stopped

She groaned in pain and got up and she saw her brother

Wendy| that hurt Natsu

Natsu| I warned you didn't I

He said with a very deep and almost demonic-sounding voice

Wendy was taken aback by what she heard but to her surprise, her body didn't feel like it was scared, but her mind was, sure enough, it was scared

Then as she took it all in her body was changing. Her hair changed from her dragon-force pink to a bloody red and her skin was like leather. It had cuts all over and blood was dripping all over. Her feathers/crystal-like scales on her wrists, ankles, and back turned to bones like dinosaur bones, and were stained with blood and her eyes turned black with dark blue "hope some draw this in my mind. It's horrifying but cool" "and if you did, send it to me at "

outside the magic council's headquarters

Erza was pacing back and forth while Laxus and Mira were getting anxious by her

Laxus| Hey Erza, would you mind stopping that?

Erza still keeps walking back and forth not wanting her fears to take hold

Mirajane| please Erza we are getting scared too

Erza stopped and looked at the two then started walking back and forth again

Erza| I can't this is different. Natsu changed after he found out.

Laxus| what changed about him? He was still quick to want to fight, especially with me

Erza| Well at home he didn't like to fight with anyone before, but now he wanted to challenge Wendy too.

Then the main door opened and master Makarov was walking out erza rushed over

Erza| master was there any information to those people

Makarov shook his head from left to right, this shook Erza to her core

Makarov| the council said that those three had no record of any of them from anywhere.

Erza| (in her mind) but if there is no information from the council who were they then

Makarov| Look Erza, I know your team is tense right now, so I'm ordering your team to have a break

Erza knew that at home was tense but she also knew that her siblings unanimously wouldn't agree to take a break. She knew what her response would be

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