Chapter 1 | The Beginning

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It has been a week since the events of the last book. They are still fresh usually the guild was always joyful even with the dark stuff they had been through but not this time this one changed the guild

Natsu was raging about what had happened to Erza and even Laxus and him fought. He wanted to take vengeance for them

Lucy was trying to get the guild to cheer up but she fails

Gray Happy and Carla were for the most part still working on A rank quest, while the other mages stayed in a lower rank quest

Erza and Master Makarov along with Mirajane and Laxus investigate who was the guy that beat Laxus up

While Wendy was at home with her kids Sherria and Romeo tried to be strong for her kids but when Natsu got home it was like a loss. Apart from what an innocent little girl she was. Now she had to grow up and take on the responsibility that Natsu and Erza agreed to do in their home and out.

Wendy was getting used to it until one day Natsu got home and was different. He was too angry to even talk to and it scared her kids to their bones. None of Wendy's other siblings wasn't there to deal with Natsu's antics now it's all up to her

Wendy| Hey kids, can you two go to your room? I'll just talk to your uncle Natsu real quick.

Romeo| okay mommy

Sheria| sure mom

The two ran to their room while Wendy headed to where Natsu was

Wendy| so still angry about what happened with Erza.

Natsu|, of course, I am. What do you think?

Natsu answered with annoyance and wanting to lash out that even a speck of dust knew not to feed that rage but she couldn't help herself

Wendy| Hey, I'm sorry that I'm being a worried little sister about my big brother.

Wendy said with anger which fed Natsu's anger

Natsu| you know what Wendy I don't need this right now.

Natsu headed to the door but was stopped by Wendy Sky Magic grabbing his waist

Wendy| Big brother we need to talk.

Natsu turns around

Natsu| let me go, Wendy, I don't want to talk

He said with an angered but smirking tone for some reason

Wendy| Please, I know Big sister Erza was beaten up and Laxus too ---

Natsu didn't listen he was in his thoughts

Natsu| fine if you're not going to let me go well I'm sorry Wendy

Wendy readied herself waiting for her big brother's attack

Natsu transforms to his Dragon force form "this book is set after Natsu beat Jellal in the tower of heaven and that I believe he first entered Dragon force, and yes, by extension Wendy in Au as well"

Natsu| fire dragon's heat wave "my own creation don't judge I see you judging me"

Natsu engulfed his entire body in the fire for a second then released it all around in turn making Wendy release her magic on Natsu to block the incoming fire. When that fire hit her and dissipated she saw her big brother standing there

Wendy| So are we really going to fight Natsu?

She transformed into her dragon force form

Natsu| I guess we are

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