Yᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ! Kᴜʀᴀᴘɪᴋᴀ X ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

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⚠️TW⚠️mentions of obsessive behaviour, stalking, kidnapping and implied death.

1435 words

The road was pitch black with only the car's headlights giving him any sense of what was before him. The heavy downpour didn't help, nor did the thick, black forest or winding turns. His knuckles were covered with his chains against the steering wheel, eyes blank on the road; appearing to be zoned out as he listened to the insistent pounding of rain.

"Where are you taking me Kurapika?"

Where are you taking me? You asked him that a lot. Kurapika wet his lips and turned his hard stare to you for a moment. Since when did you get into to the front seat? He could've sworn he had laid you with care on the floor in the back.

He ignored the question, looking back to the road and trying to relax his tense body. Driving into the middle of nowhere wasn't his ideal Saturday night plan, especially since he had you now. To think just a few months ago he spent his weekends alone- actually every night alone.

"My angel," he murmured, "you deserve this." He could feel his shoulders begin to tense even more, his grip grew harder and annoyance seethed from his glare, "I loved you so so much and this is how you treat me? I love you so much" he repeated, "I love you so much."

You had been nothing short of an angel in his eyes when he first saw you. Walking into the hunter exam while he stood alone too distracted to acknowledge his surroundings while in your presence. He wasn't so far behind you, he cherished the moments when you'd look in his direction. He was far behind you in every moment of the exam, too nervous to be bold and pick a time to talk to you despite you always being free. He settled for watching the way you kicked rocks in boredom and brushed your fingers through your hair as you sat in the trees waiting for your target. You were so perfect, everything you said and did. The way you hid in the trees spying down on clueless people or the way you carefully and quietly prepared yourself to attack. He watched it all.

Through all of his years spent lonely and passing weekly fixations; you were different. He never loved someone as much as he loved you. The moment you walked into his sights for the first time; so beautiful. How lucky was he to know you as well as he did? How lucky were you for being able to come and 'live' with him?

Kurapika makes a sharp turn, having spaced out and nearly going off-road. He blinks a few times, trying to focus on the sea of pitch black before him. "My angel, just apologize and we'll go home" he begins, "all you have to do is apologize to me."

A rare moment of kindness he showed, letting you come out of that basement and spend time with him; in some form of normalcy. And it had felt good to have your stiff body wrought with anxiety pressed to his as he held you and tried to get you to watch a simple movie with him. But you wouldn't, you were being so difficult. Just like always. How could someone so ethereal be so difficult all the time? He wondered, watching you whimper and flinch at his touch.

How long had he graciously let you stay with him? In that pretty, safe and cozy room he set up for you in the basement. He cooked for you and fed you, spent every second of the day with you, and talked to you endlessly with nothing but adoring praise dripping from his voice- How could you not just return his love?

Playing to how highly he thought of you, you asked; "If I am your angel then how could you keep me locked up like this?" "I do this so that no one can take you away from me." He replied stoically. So no one ruined you, tainted your grace; or made you ugly. "You're mine to protect. Mine to love."

Call him greedy all you want; this angel was all his. He'd pluck every feather from your wings; rip them off and pin them to his wall like a prize. He didn't care what time of hell would catch up to him for this, he'd burn over and over for you.

"You like me don't you? I know you do, you have to. I'm taking such good care of you- just stop crying!"

"You're supposed to love me back. I just want you to love me. That's all I want." He'd murmur, voice hoarse and shedding more tears despite you being the one with burning welts and bruises on your body. Why did he want to hurt you so badly?

You just wouldn't say it. That's all he ever wanted from you, to hold you and murmur his love to you. But you had to be so difficult, you just had to push him to his limit. He snapped, worse than usual. He went too far, and you stopped moving. And at first, he laughed and mocked you for faking, for trying to just upset him more. Until he realized something really was wrong.

Paranoia set in an hour after he realized you were gone, the apartment crumbling around him. Glasses break and papers fly, chairs go unturned and everything is tossed around as he lashes out in anger and fear of what he's done. He cries heavy sobs as cowardice sets in; why did you make him do this? Everything inside him short circuits, he feels dumb as thoughts blur together and morph into something too big for him to comprehend.

Night fell and the house grew darker, while he lay on the floor of the kitchen. Panic and anger were gone, just an emptiness sitting in his gaze as he stared at the blank ceiling. He knew what he had to do. He feels dead as he lays there with burning eyes and an aching stomach, broken nails, and cut-up's fingers. He feels like a corpse laying there. His apartment had become his casket over the past few hours.

How could you do this?

The car is deathly silent other than the soft hum of the engine as he recounts what he did. He remembered now, some of it. How he had pressed trembling lips to your forehead as he cradled your body. It was your fault, he told himself as his arms tightened around you. Why didn't you listen? Why did you insist on pushing each and every button on him, until he had no choice but to lash out on you? He wasn't sure how long he had spent holding your body after it happened, he held no concept of time anymore as every hour blurred into a lonely mess. He couldn't even remember getting into his car with your body; just one moment you were beside him asking questions that itched every nerve in his racing heart.

He looked, eyes wide once again with uncertainty as he reached for where you were sitting, fingertips never making contact with your skin as he turned back to the road with a shaky exhale. "I love you, I love you so much." He repeats.

He remembered now; what had happened. Where you had gone.

Kurapika looked to the backseat; a blanket wrapped around your body lying on the floor. "Oh, my angel" he sighed, a small laugh catching the end. "You really had me tricked, didn't you? Even in death, you astound me" he mumbles. You weren't sitting beside him; never had been. After pulling off-road at the first opportunity he opened the back door and stood over where he had delicately laid you. That pretty quilt he bought wrapped around you. He stepped away, throwing his things to the ground; his coat, a shovel, your belongings.

He cradled your body with more care than he ever did when you were alive as he lifted it from the car.

And he stared at you for a long time after laying you in the hole he dug for you. Cradled your face and pressed a kiss to your forehead. You really were so beautiful, and he really loved you more than anyone else could ever do. He thought about all the hell you put him through; too bad you had turned out to be so rotten.

Kurapika scoffed, you really were no angel after all.

ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ! Hᴜɴᴛᴇʀ X Hᴜɴᴛᴇʀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя