Chapter 31 How I like my..

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Third person P.O.V

"God my legs are Killing me.."As she had heels on and was standing on them for quite some time, the events which happened before that were adding more to it, she was already feeling sick her stomach was hurting, was her baby alright,  and not to forget she just danced in her heels, She sat down on the nearby chair.

"Hello pretty lady.." Someone said sitting just beside her, making her frown, why is no one giving her peace, leave her alone.

"You know it's rude to ignore people" the guy said.

"Excuse me but did I ask you to sit with me, I don't remember inviting you, matter of fact who are you?.. wow where is this sass coming from Ari. "She asks herself, her face was on the opposite side, not even looking at the person.

"Oh sassy I see, well I like them sassy, just like you pretty girl" the guy whose name she doesn't know and has no interest to know said again.

"You know how i like men, I like them just how I like my books..." She says, the guy was puzzled for a second but then he gave a very dirty grin.

"You like them Open, thick and.."

"Fictional.." a frustrated sigh left her mouth. "Why are you even talking to me, just go and bother someone else" it came out louder than she intended. Now almost everyone was looking at them.The guy stands up, furiously, offended at how she adress him.

"You.. here I was trying to be nice with you, I can get whoever I want, it's just that you were sitting alone I thought maybe I should give you a company, don't be so full of yourself, you are not that good looking to begin with" his face which was red with anger, he grabs bher locks, trying to drag her up. She finnally looks and see a man or boy he's quite young maybe in his early twenties.

"Look I didn't ask you talk to me, sometimes you should leave people alone, they need peace you know, and leave my hair, it's hurting.

"Still sassy wait till I'm done with you.."all of this was happening in front of so many people but no one dares to intervine, maybe it's what people really are like, they won't bother until or unless it effects them.

"What the hell is going on.." Brandon came to see why Aria was still not out followed by his mum, he looks at Aria and then thean holding her hair.

"Noah.." "Brandon"

"What the hell did you do now..." Aria looks at Brandon only to see him directing the question towards her.

"What me can't you see, he's the one holding my hair, instead of helping me.. why am I questioned.

"Hey leave her, what are you doing and all of you are you guys even human..." Her mother in law came and forced that guy to leave her, whose name was apparently Noah.

"Noah your mom will hear about this, you are barely 20 and doing something like this..."she gives him a disappointed look and took Aria outside.

"Brandon who was she, I tried being nice to her, but look at her attitude, is she you new fuck buddy, maybe a girlfriend" He receives a glare which shuts him up. "Are you here to cause more trouble, uncle is going to be so mad , once he know this and knowing mom she will definitely tell your mom and your dad will know, you gonna get your ass whooped."

"Now go home kid, wait for your mama.." he makes his way out.

Aria was sitting on the back seat, almost dosing off. Brandon comes and looks at her, he sits in the cars and honks loudly. Which wakes her up immediately.

"Are we already home..."she yawns. "Aww is princess sleepy, my highness would you like me to do something..."


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