Stamina Part 1

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"Thank you for joining me Y/N." L greets you as you enter his room empty handed.

Standing by the widow, L stares out into the city lights. His reflection floats in the dark window like a lost ghost. Going to sit on the bed, you see his eyes glance to you in the window, a dark dread in his gaze.

A heavy silence falls over the room.

Sitting, the bedsheets crumple under your weight. You smooth out your skirt, playing with your fingers, waiting for L to say, or do something.

"I've brought you here tonight for an important meeting concerning the Kira case." L speaks up.
"I had a similar meeting with Wammy this morning updating him on the case and some vital developments and alterations I need to make on how I conduct my research on Kira." L pauses, tucking his hands into his pockets.

"I'm listening L," you say patiently, a sweetness in your tone.

"There's growing hesitation around the Kira case in the NPA. People are thinking of leaving the case to protect themselves and their families from Kira." L eyes drop down to look at the street below.
"If they decide to drop the case I will let them. I don't blame them for leaving, I understand their worries around Kira and their 'abilities'. However, they aren't the ones I'm interested in." You see his head lift to look into the distance. His eyes searching for something between the grids of lights shining from the buildings.
"If there are detectives willing to stay on the case, I want them to work with me in person."

Your eyes widen at his words, hands clenching tightly.
"Are you sure? Even with only a few detectives, it's still a lot of risk." You say to L, your tone becoming more anxious.

"I'm only putting myself in such a vulnerable position because I think it will benefit the case. I am fully aware of the risks of working with others in person, and how dangerous revealing my true identity could be, especially when it comes to this case. However, I don't believe many will stay, so I shouldn't be revealing my identity to too many people."

L pauses, his words dissipating around the room. You unclasp your hands and ball your fists in the sheets, getting ready to rise from the bed and argue with L.

"I understand that unprecedented situations call for drastic measures, but what about you and your safety? What if Kira hides within the NPA and uses this opportunity as a means to kill you? Who will head the Kira case if you disappear? What will the world do without L?" You pause and look down at your feet.
"What will I do without L?" You ask defeated, a sorrow erupting in your chest. Your heart beats tightly, as your dark thoughts are finally spoked into existence; the internal torment becoming reality as you speak with L.

Turning his head, L looks to see you anxiously hanging onto the bed. He moves to your side, his clothes making a soft shuffling sound as he moves through the room.

"I do understand where you're coming from Y/N. These are all scenarios I've thought over many times in the past weeks. I too have many of the same reservations about this decision." L places his arm around your shoulder. You lean into his touch, letting your head fall by his chest, looking out the window as he continues to speak.
"There will be obvious measures I will take to hide my identity. The world will still know me as L, the detectives will not know my full name, and I will use a new fake identity for the other detectives to use around me. I will have my successors take over the case if I cannot finish it for whatever reason."

Moving his arm down your back, L uses his free hand to gently push your head off his chest. You look to his face as you watch him slump down off the bed, crouching in front of you. Taking your hands in his, you stare in wonder at the unfamiliar look in L's eyes.

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