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Crouching on the floor where his laptop sat, L listened to the beginnings of the complex court proceedings that had resulted from his investigation. Tucking in sheets and smoothing out wrinkles, you watched him quietly observe the screen while placing new sheets on his bed. Straight from the dryer, the warm sheets filled the room with the soft scent of the detergent you used to clean them.

Fluffing up pillows and placing them on the head board, you step back and look at your work. Noticing the feeling of eyes on you, you glance over at L. 

His soft eyes look back at you. His face is blank, but somehow more welcoming than usual. You smile back, noticing his eyes grow wide briefly, realizing he was caught. He slowly changes where he is looking, glancing up at the soft bedsheets and pillows.

"They're going for a recess soon. If you'd like to change into some more comfortable attire that would be okay. You've done more than enough work today." L mumbles before watching the court room again.

"Are you sure? Would you like to make a last minute dessert request?"

"Hmm... a slice of cake would be nice..." L says pulling his thumb to his lips. Laughing a bit, you walk around the bed to crouch next to L. You kiss his cheek, quickly getting back up to get L some cake.

You made quick work to run upstairs and change. Untying your apron as you waited in the elevator, unbuttoning your top as you walked down the hall, and throwing everything into the laundry hamper as soon as you entered your room. Changing into a basic shorts and hoodie, you catch your breath and slow down going to the kitchen to get L's cakes.

Walking back into the room, you find L with his hand stuck to his cheek, as though to hold onto the kiss you had placed on it. A familiar warmth rushed to your cheeks as you got closer to him.

"I returned with cake." You smile, holding up the two cakes you brought with you. Looking up at you with excited eyes, L pats the floor next to him.

You join him on the floor and offer the cakes to him. 

"Why two?" L asks.

"Can't I have some cake too?" Thinking over your point, he swiftly takes his favorite cake and takes an eager bite. L shuts his eyes, and hums in contentment. 

"Would you like some of my cake?" You offer, showing the cake on your fork. Suddenly he opens one eye and glances at you.
"In exchange, I want some of yours." L looks up at the ceiling. He swallows, and cuts some cake with his fork.

Pushing his fork towards you, you smile and lean down to bite the cake off the fork. L does the same, leaning down to your fork, and savours the flavour of the cake as he returns to watching the screen.

You move closer to him, placing your head on his shoulder. You eat some cake, before offering more to L. He happily eats it and gives you a piece shortly after. A fuzzy feeling fills your body. Your heart beats faster, yet you continue to relax into his warmth. 


Soon, the cakes are gone and the court is out for their recess. L shuts his laptop and reaches up to place it on his bedside table. He helps you up, taking the dishes from your hands while pulling you closer with his other arm. 

"You've worked so hard recently Y/N." L places a kiss to your forehead. 

You smile softly at his gestures, wrapping your arms around his neck. He lightly rubs your cheek with his thumb, your skin smooth and delicate in his touch. Shutting your eyes, you lean into his hand, savouring his gentle nature as he begins to draw slow circles in your back. L admires your features as you begin to calm in his embrace, fascinated by how much trust you hold in him to be so vulnerable.

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