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*Content Warning- Rape and Murder. No graphic descriptions or depictions, but it is mentioned. If you want to skip it, the smut for the chapter starts at the ~ and you can skip the chapter if necessary.

L was up pacing when you brought in his afternoon cart of treats. All the monitors in the room were on, each showing a different data sheet, image or police report. Pictures, pencils, and post it notes were strewn across his desk and the floor. L was in full crazy investigator mode and you could do nothing but stand back and watch with a smile.

Cold cases are one of L's favorite type of case to investigate. The clues are never as clear cut as a present case and it gives L a fun challenge. Currently L was working on a recent case that looked strikingly similar to a string of cold cases from 10 years ago. L had spent the better part of an evening outlining the basics and making sense of the old police reports. 

You had help L organize photos and information that night, and even the criminal's signatures became obvious to you. They had a clear type for young, blond women, used exclusively black extension cords for strangulation, and all the victims were found naked in an upright sitting position. All but one had evidence of sexual assault. 

It was a dark case and it made your stomach uneasy if you thought about the details too long. It gave you mixed feelings when you went to sleep; an uneasy dread alongside a desire to find who did this and put them away. 

You had confidence L would be able to solve it. Not only was this his profession, and he is very good at it, but the criminal had become very messy with his last few outings, including the current one. They left blood at one of the scenes ten years ago, and full condom had been found at the present case. Overconfident in his abilities to outsmart the police, or just laziness, either way, the criminal was going to be caught by L soon. The DNA matched at both scenes, causing the case to be reopened and for L to be brought in. 

"How is the case progressing?" You ask, placing a cake on his desk. L makes his way to his chair and sits crouched as usual.

"I have interviews being conducted, I should be receiving security camera footage sometime tonight, and the prison data base is still scanning for possible hits, but nothings come up." L takes a bite of his treat and you watch him in silence.
"I've been piecing things together while I wait but, we have so much physical evidence, it's bothering me that I can't get a hit on the DNA data base. A prison sentence would explain the decades long break, but nothings come up yet."

He continues to eat and you look at the documents on the screen soberly. Cutlery and plates collide and it sparks a memory from the home. 

It was a rainy afternoon and you were reading with L in his room. You run over a section on mitochondria in the biology text you were reading when you see L lift his hand and place it on yours. His cold fingers intertwine with yours and you remember the way your heartbeat at a thousand miles a second in that moment. You glanced at L from the corner of your eyes and saw a little L blushing profusely as he held tightly onto his fork. It was one of the first times L held your hand. The memory was warm and nice, pulling your mind away from the gruesome case momentarily.

Suddenly, an idea pops in your mind.

"L," he turns his head to face you, "did you look at the mitochondria?"

"No. Why?"

"Well, in one of my textbooks I remember reading that the DNA in mitochondria is passed down from a persons mother. It's not a perfect match, but you can test it against more people to find a sibling, or aunt, or some other relative. That can link you to the person who will actually hold the correct DNA profile." L stares at you quizzically for a second.

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