Chapter 30

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Hendrickson stumbles onward, beat up and exhausted.

"I have to keep going and warn everyone about those Demons! Our only chance is to strike now. The moment that their abilities have been completely restored, Liones will... no, Britannia itself will be..." He falls, huffing and seeming to be paralyzed from exhaustion. "Dreyfus. I swear. I will bring you back one day. Without fail."

The Albion continues to move through the Fairy King's Forest, all the fairies clamor and shake with fear.

"I don't think I've seen anything like it. That things bigger than the Great Tree of the Fairy King's Forest!" Jericho says while some of the little fairies rush to try and protect the tree.

"Hey! Don't you know you're not allowed to enter this place without the permission of King Ban?" The fairy stands his ground, but just a moment after, the beast brings his long arm up and swats at him, taking the tops of many trees in the direction of his swat.

"Fly away!" All the fairies scream

"This is just like 20 years ago!" Another screams

"The demons are attacking!" The Albion swings again and takes out even more of the forest. Everyone is screaming and running for their lives. Jericho even picks up one of the fairies that had fainted and starts headed to where she knows Ban was last, to tell him to do something about it, but before she could the Albion gets blasted right in the face.

"That's th- that's the Sunflower that blooms on the Fairy Realm's Sacred Tree!" Ende exclaims

"That's impossible" Another fairy says before they all gasp and shout in unison

"Harlequin!" The monster charges up an attack to spit as King gets his next attack ready

"Spirit Spear Chastiefol, fourth configuration! Sunflower!" He shoots as soon as the monster does, but it cancels out, sending both back.

"He doesn't stand a chance against a beast like that!"

"He'll never beat that monster!" King gets back up.

"No way he can beat him"

"Then wh- why is he doing this?" Ende cries out

King scoffs as he wipes the blood off his face "You're not taking down my homeland."

"Ban! Ban! It's awful! There's a giant monster in the forest!" Jericho screams for Ban

"Fairy King Ban! Please! We need you to protect us!" They get to the entrance to where Elaine lies but there are vines closing up the entryway

"I have to admit, I assumed you'd be at least a little taken back. You have nerves of steel for a human." And Ban laughs

"Well, it really isn't all that surprising. Some of you guys seem to like calling me King, but there are a lot of other fairies that can't stand the idea. Then again, I never asked any of you to call me that in the first place. From what Elaine told me, those plans the humans had for you fairies and the Fairy King's Forest, weren't exactly pleasant. So if you hate my guts after all that's happened here, I guess it's only natural."

"Oh, no, Ban. Believe it or not, I'm actually grateful to you."


"The Demon race burned our whole forest to the ground, but you single-handedly resurrected this place once lost to us. An ordinary human could've never accomplished that. But even so, no human can ever become our ruler. The Fairy King must be chosen by the Sacred Tree with no exceptions. The one this forest truly needs... is Harlequin. And no one else!" She sends  an attack of tree branches towards Ban

Our Story (Meliodas x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang