Chapter 8

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"You did what?!" Alex exclaims looking at the newly founded 'Boar Hat'

"I sold my sacred treasure to build this beauty!" Meliodas tells her proudly

"I- I am at a lost for words"

"I know right? Isn't it great!"

"NO, IT ISN'T YOU, IDIOT! How could you sell something so VALUABLE! And not even that you were gone for a whole half a year! Leaving me alone without even Hawk!" She knocks him upside the head several times

"Sorry Alex, he bribed me with food! Plus my mom went with him" Hawk retorts trying to shift the conversation off of him

"How could you accept that?! His cooking is nowhere near as good as mine!"

"Either way Lexi, we have a roof over our heads now! And we can travel with it!" Meliodas says finally, rubbing his head

"Yeah, I guess your right... what did you call it again?"

"The Boar Hat!"


"You that sad to see me go?" Ban says after being impaled by the Holy Knight

"It seems you haven't learned anything in your 5-year stay here, you are completely powerless against the power of the Holy Knight Jude"

"You're small Holy Knight, but you're pretty tough," Diane tells Meliodas

"Yeah and you're huge but you're fast on your feet"

"Each of them seems to think the other is a Holy Knight, where's Alex? She would stop them" Hawk says

"No, stop it you two! That's enough!" Elizabeth screams and they both come out of their trances

"Huh? Princess? What are you doing here?" Diane asks her

"We should be asking you that!" Hawk replies

"Captain? You're here? Where's that Holy Knight? And where's mom?"

"Oh hey your right, where is Lexi?"

'Lexi? Are you okay?'


"Oh big lady, are you alright?"

"Oh hi, kid! You're still here?" She says tucking her hair behind her ears

The bells chime again and her eyes are dull

"Everybody's gone again"

Another chime and Meliodas goes back into his trance as well

"Oh, that Holy Knight!"

Meanwhile, Alex is still in that field

"Where did they all go? I didn't die, did I? That would suck"

After she says that memories start replaying in her head. Ones of Elizabeth dying, ones of Meliodas's rages where he nearly demolished the earth, ones where she herself died. She feels that pain over and over again.

"I didn't die, why is this happening?"

"Oh just because I felt like it" Alex hears a voice through all the pained screams and her loved ones' voices

Elizabeth runs to the kid to get him to safety, while Diane and Meliodas start fighting again.

"I'm so scared I don't want to die!"

The bell chimes again and the man's face goes to one of terror while the kid hugs him

"I'll protect you! I swear! Even if I have to trade my life for yours!" Elizabeth tries reassuring them

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