Chapter 25

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"Ban..." Meliodas calls out quietly then Ban uses his nunchucks to slice the demon's head off cleanly

"Ban you actually killed that thing 20 years ago?" King asks

"Who killed what, when, and where doesn't matter" he mumbled out

"Still you sure blew a hole into this thing" Meliodas looks down into the hole Ban created and Hendrickson fell down

"I'm detecting a slight breeze" Gowther informs

"Stop talking like a robot" Alex giggles and hits his shoulder lightly

"How should I talk then?" He cocks his head to the side and she just shakes her head, smiling

"Well anywho, since there's a breeze there's gotta be a cave or something. Right?" Alex asks and looks at Meliodas "Let's go!"

"At my size, I won't fit!" Diane says to the group, disappointed about not being able to join

"Just stay here and keep watch" Meliodas goes to jump, grabbing Alex's hand to scoop her up into his arms. The rest of the sins that can fit, follow.

"Be careful!" Diane shouts

"We'll try!" Alex shouts back, but gut feelings tell her it's not going to be pretty down there

"Okay, good news and bad news. Good news first, we made it down here safely and bad news is that it's pitch black" Meliodas says as Alex gets onto his back

"You just can't seem to flick that booger, can you Ban?" Gowther asks

"Ew" Alex tries to get Meliodas to move away from him

"Chasteifol, seventh configuration. Luminosity!" King brings out a light as Alex pushes Meliodas's head down, it missing Ban's flicked booger by a hair

"That thing of yours really comes in handy doesn't it, King?" Meliodas states

"Look, a trail of blood" Gowther points out

"This cave is huge!" Alex whisper-shouts

"This cave has been here for hundreds of years, but there are no indications anyone has entered in a while" Gowther tells her


'We've been here before, just not as deep' Meliodas says

'I remember. Eli didn't want us to leave so she threw a fit and ran away' she chuckles 'I wanna say it was when she was 2 or 3?'

'Yeah. She was always over-dramatic though' He also smiles

"Wait! Look!" Gowther says pointing

"My gratitude, Fox Sin Ban, for making this possible. If not for you, I would've never been able to acquire this power of the red demon"

"Always happy to help" Ban's monotoned voice rings out

"It's been a trying process. Seeking possible bodies to withstand it, this one brings certain death upon anyone who tries to become it."

"It?" Meliodas questions

"Oh this sick bastard" Alex mentally pats herself on the back about being right about her gut feeling

"Look, guys! There's something behind him!" King points towards a large non-moving object and shines his light on it slowly

"I have a theory of sorts. The body that is compatible with the magical power of its kinsman, the Red Demon, is one who can tolerate the reaction to its blood" Hendrickson continues and everyone's faces show disgust

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