Chapter 4

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"UNCLE ZELI, AUNTIE GEL!!!" Elizabeth exclaims

Meliodas and Alex have confessed to each other and have been dating for a couple of years now. They had Elizabeth 3 years ago today. They're keeping the half-blood a secret from each of the races and live in the same house, now paid off.

Meliodas looks about 18 and Alex looks 16/17. They still looked good!

Zeldris and Gelda visit because they're the only ones who know about the half-blood, Alex doesn't dare to tell any of the goddesses because they wouldn't hesitate to kill Meliodas and make Elizabeth an ultimate war machine against the other races.

"Happy birthday Eli!" Zeldris picks her up and swings her around in his arms then passes her to Gelda

"You're getting so big!" Then she proceeds to do the same thing Zeldris did

"HEY ZELI, HEY GEL! You guys rarely visit anymore." Alex says and hugs them then Meliodas comes and greets them

Zeldris brings the couple to a separate room leaving Gelda and Eli in the other

"The demon king is becoming suspicious of you Mel, he's wondering why you're coming to fewer meetings, and I hear the same is going on with the goddess realm Lexi." Zeldris tells them

Meliodas and Alex's nicknames have just stuck and all of them just call each other by the nicknames now.

"About that, we were thinking we tell them that we quit. We're done being used as pawns." Alex says

"You can't do that, each realm would come after you guys. You can't put Eli through that!"

"But what other choice do we have? They're going to find out eventually" Meliodas says with a frown

Then they hear the cake alarm go off and Eli starts screaming


Zeldris then looks at the couple again

"You didn't let Meliodas touch that cake did you?!?"

"No I didn't, but he did go get the ingredients" she then replies chuckling


Meliodas and Alex leave Eli with her human babysitters and go to talk with their parents. Each is very nervous about what's going to happen.

"YOU WHAT?!" Both the Demon King and Supreme Deity say loud enough they thought the humans would hear it.

"Yes. I have found a goddess that I love and we have a child together. A half-blood." Meliodas tells the Demon King

He continues.

"I would like to bring them both here to meet you. You would be meeting your future daughter-in-law and granddaughter. Do I have your permission?"

The demon king sits there in shock, mumbling slightly, but replies.

"Yes, she can come down here along with my granddaughter. I do not know how you've kept this a secret for so long."

Meliodas is kind of in shock but super excited. Alex's experience didn't go as well...

"I have found a demon that I love and we have a child together. A half-blood."

The supreme deity looks at her with utter disgust

"You have brought shame onto the goddess name, you are hereby banned from this realm and if your daughter gets in the way she will be killed."

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