Chapter 26

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Hendrickson shoots back up. Getting face to face with Meliodas, popping his limbs back into place as the sins get ready to fight. Meliodas hits him first up into the sky, where Diane hit him into a wall swinging Gideon like a baseball bat. Hendrickson comes flying back but King's Chasteifol comes down unto him, stabbing him in his back.

"Incredible!" A voice from the crowd says

"They're even more powerful than the legend said!"

"Alex?" Elizabeth calls out and she turns around smiling

"Eli! You're alright! And you did amazing! Everyone has their stamina back and is better than before we even started"

"But-" She's already crying

"It's okay... I promise you. I think for now you should stay here with Hawk" Alex turns back around to the fight as Elizabeth hugs Hawk

"Oh, Hawk. I'm right here, and I'll always be with you." She cries

Hendrickson keeps getting back up, just popping bones back into place like it's nothing.

"No way! It doesn't even seem like we hurt him at all!" Diane holds Gideon to her chest for comfort

"Damn! I ripped that arm off, but it looks like it didn't take. This guy is turning out to be a bigger pain in the ass than I thought." Ban says

"Well, we're not finished yet!" Meliodas shouts


"No, we're not doing that Meliodas"

"Gowther spread the word. We're gonna do the attack we talked about"

"Um, captain. Gowther isn't... um-" King turns around

"Now where are my glasses?" Gowther pats around the ground with his head in his hands. Diane and King hold hands, visibly scared.

"He's still alive?!" King shouts

"There. Roger that, Captain!" He does his little pose

"What are you anyway?!"

"Tap. Broadcast!" Gowther taps his head then his hand points to the side, his zap hitting everyone's head

"What's this?" Gilthunder asks

"It's like Gowther just beamed his instructions directly into my head" King says shocked

"Are you kidding?" Howzer says aloud

"Is this seriously our plan?" Ban asks

"It's a very dumb plan that he likes to use as a "last resort" so yes apparently" Alex crosses her arms and rolls her eyes, Meliodas just smiles sheepishly. He knows she doesn't like these types of plans.

"Captain, are you sure about this?" Diane asks

"Alright, everyone. Time to get started!" Meliodas screams and crosses his arms, letting his power levels drop

"You disabled your powers. What do you think you're doing?" Hendrickson states and Meliodas launches at him

'We're sharing and there's nothing you can do about it' she glares and watches as he's about to take the first hit from Hendrickson but catches his fist. He looks at her for a second before flipping him over his shoulder into the ground from off of the cliff

'Come on, Lexi. Let me do this by myself, it'll hurt you real bad and I don't want that'

'You should've thought about that before you decided to go with this' She cuts off communication and sits down

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