Chapter 11

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"Come on King, what's the big idea?" Ban says spitting out a little blood

"Isn't it obvious? I'm here to save you" King replies

"Save me huh? Thanks a lot, pal"

"Think nothing of it. Anything for The captain,
Mom, and Diane"

"Oh but not for me"

"I guess not. It's also for my sister, who cares for you a lot"

Somewhere else in the necropolis

"Please, please, keep Ban safe" Elaine says to nobody in particular but someone in mind

"Indeed, your betrayal is not completely unexpected, yet I am rather disappointed" The Holy Knight pops up again

King just shrugs his shoulders "That's an unexpected thing to say to me, I never swore to be a lifelong partner in whatever you were planning. The realm wanted to see the seven deadly sins destroyed and I wanted to see Ban destroyed. We had mutual interests for a while, but that's changed now"

"Blah blah, whatever, I'm really tired of you talking behind my back" Ban says

"I see. Well King, that was an entirely predictable excuse" The Holy Knight says as she releases her 'shot bomb' attack. King sets all of the bombs off in the sky using his spear.

"Magnificent. So that is the Spirit Spear Chasteifol, said to be forged from the Holy Tree that exists in the fairy realm. More durable than steel, and possesses the mysterious properties of the Holy Tree itself.  Your magical ability can summon forth all those magical properties. This should make things a bit more interesting, at least" The Holy Knight says

"I'm plenty interesting, but I just got here! Lemme fight you!" Alex mumbles pushing forward but is held back by Meliodas

"Let it go, Lexi, you can show me how interesting you are later" then he smirks

She blushes and stops

"I hate you, why am I always the one flustered' she pouts

'It's okay Lexi, maybe you'll get me one day' he knows this is a lie, she's made him blush plenty of times, he just hides it

"Feel free to attack me four-on-one," The Holy Knight tells them

"No. One-on-one will be fine" King responds

Meliodas and Ban look at each other and just sits down

"Alright, King, she's all yours!" Meliodas shouts

"You know I'll kick your ass if you lose" Ban also shouts

"You guys are just gonna-" Alex starts but gets cut off by Meliodas pulling her into his lap

'You're lucky you're comfortable' she huffs and he kisses her neck a couple of times

'Whatever you say Lexi' she feels him smile against her neck

"A kiss before I slip away?" Diane says and Alex smirks knowing what Diane's doing

"King, whoop that Holy Knight's ass so you can get a kiss from Diane!" Alex shouts and King blushes

"Alright now whenever you're-" King sends his chasteifol towards her, cutting her cheek

"Now that's not good, try and dodge a little," King says and he sends his chasteifol back towards her, again and again. She's struggling to dodge and tries to send a bigger explosion than before. King easily kept the explosions away from everyone and had his spear pointed at her from above and brought them all down on her. Elizabeth comes back riding on Hawk.

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