"Well that was easy." Braxton said. As if on cue, the baby started crying again. We tried changing the diaper, but it didn't work. We tried another bottle, but that didn't work too. We don't have any other things to give it.

"Why won't she stop crying?" Braxton worried. I stood up and started doing a bouncing movement.

"Maybe we have to bounce it like a normal baby does? Mr. Campbell said we have to treat it exactly like a normal baby." I reminded him.

"Your right! Let me see her!" I hand Ocean to Braxton and he sits he up against his shoulder and starts patting her back. After several pats, the baby burps. Braxton and I look at each other and burst into a fit of laughter. 

"The baby just needed burped." I say pointing out the obvious. 

"How did you know about that?" 

"Blakely, I paid attention in class over the past few weeks while we were learning about babies and their needs." He winked at me. He laid Ocean down on a blanket as it started making those breathing sounds again, as if it was sleeping. So creepy!

After a few hours and a dinner with Gram later, this project wasn't going too terribly. We changed its diaper a few times and it fell asleep making those same breathing noises as it did earlier. 

"Okay kids, don't stay up too late. Remember God is watching." Gram says as she heads upstairs to bed.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry about her." I say red in the face from embarrassment. Braxton laughs and suggests we turn on the Capitals game that is on tonight. It's not my first choice of things to watch, but I'll bite tonight. We both sit on the couch positioned next to each other so we can see the TV, while the baby is beside us, secured ofcourse even though it doesn't have a chance to fall like a real infant. 

"YES! Did you see the way  Oshie did a snap shot after it ricochets from Ovechkins shot. He has to have good reflexes for that." Braxton cheers. It is honestly a big turn on for a guy to be so passionate about something like Braxton is about hockey. 

"He tied the game with that shot so now they have to go into overtime. They need to score next or they lose or they go to a shootout." Braxton informs me of the play by play. Five minutes later and still no goals from either team, they go to shootout. Braxton explains that Oshie is the best on the team with shootouts and usually is the first to go; Of course, he scores effortlessly. The visiting team sends their player out who also scores. Our next player is Kuznetsov and he scores. The visiting team sends another player out who misses. The third time both teams were sent out Ovechkin sends it into the net from the backhand, while the visiting team is blocked by the goalie once again. The Washington Capitals won the game and Braxton could not be more thrilled.

"YES! Let's go!" He says pounding his fist in the air. "Best team in the league!" He yells confidently. 

"Honestly, most would say they aren't that great." I chime in. If looks could kill, I'd drop dead right now.

"That's because sometimes the coaches don't know what's best and try too many things too late into the season. They also don't make the best trades when they trade players. They are still better than so many other teams." 

"Maybe the players can't vibe with their teams because they get traded too often." I protest.

"The best players aren't usually traded and aren't on the first line unless they get a really good deal." Braxton defends. 

"Maybe it's hard for them to become the best when their coach is always changing."  I continue the argument. Braxton looks at me as if I've lost my mind. He turns his body to face me and puts his arm on the back of the couch. 

"Blakely, I never knew you were so knowledgable about hockey players and their strategies or struggles." Braxton teases. 

"I'm just saying, I don't think anyone would be setup for success when they are looked at like a pawn when they should be looked at like a queen." I state firmly. 

"If you make it to the NHL, then your are a queen...err I guess a king technically speaking since the NHL is for guys so..." Braxton trails off. We both are silent since I did not respond to that remark. I have never dreamed as big as Braxton has. He honestly believes that with enough hard work and dedication that he will achieve his dream of going to the NHL no matter the circumstances. As for me, I am practical. I understand that my status in life affects what I can be. Even if I pursue a passion, something is going to put me back in my place whether it be money, scandal, sickness, or even dishonesty. You can't trust anyone to have honest intentions anymore. I learned that from my parents when they said they were coming to visit for my birthday once 5 years ago. They weren't actually coming for me, they heard a major record label was in town touring with Blake Shelton when he had a concert in our city. They were really coming to try to get noticed from them. 

"I'm going to get a Pepsi, do you want one?" I walk into the kitchen with Braxton on my tail. I reach into the fridge and grab two cans. When I shut the door and turn around Braxton is leaning on the counter right behind me. I hand him the can and lean on the counter beside him. 

"Blakely, can I ask you something?" I raise and eyebrow at him.

"I don't know. You are out of questions my friend." I say jokingly.

"Why didn't you let me kiss you the other night?" Oh shoot, so we are discussing this, now, in my grandmothers house. I don't even know how to answer that questions. To be honest, I don't know why I pushed him away. He's an attractive guy and it's fun to be around him. He is passionate and has goals for his life. Why wouldn't I want to kiss him? 

"You tried to kiss me? I thought we were just talking and hanging out." I say nonchalantly. Braxton looked confused as if he doesn't know how I could not know his intentions. With not even a second for me to comprehend what happens next, Braxton moves standing right in front of me. He looks down at my and tucks a piece of my hair behind my hair. 

"Let me make myself clear then. I wanted to kiss you at the party Friday night. I meant what I said too. You are beautiful and I want to get to know you better." He puts his hand on my shoulder trying not to be too touchy before he knows what my next move will be.

"I thought we friends. Or only friends while we do this project." I whisper. 

"We are friends...but I don't want to be friends anymore. I want to be more." My thoughts are scrambled. It doesn't help that he is so close that I can feel his breath on my cheek. It also doesn't help that I know my grandmother is upstairs and could walk down at any second. I say nothing as I can't. No words can come out. My brain doesn't even have words ready to come out. 

"Can I kiss you?" Braxton asks politely, but impatiently. All it took was for me to look at his lips for him to put his hand on my cheek and start leaning in. Out of my own control, I start leaning in too. As if on cue...


Ocean could not have "waken" up at a worse time. We brake a part immediately and walk into the living room to take care of our robot child. I never thought I would have to say that.

This is going to be a long weekend. 

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